The green is a normal non pregnant chart and the purple is this month!
My dear friend even had a dream a couple of night's ago that I was pregnant. Do you think this could be true?
Would be an amzing Christmas present don't you think?
About Me

- Families and Happiness
- Well, where do I start? I could start at many stages in my life; all very exciting and adventurous in some sort of way. Probably best to start when I met my husband 10 years ago, as this was the turning point in my very emotional and dramatic life. Met Ben through work, we had a wonderful life together, very ambitious, career driven until we decided to started a family 4 years later. The fertility Journey did take 2 years to conceive but we got there eventually and conceived little Thomas, now for someone like me who has no patience what so ever this was a agonizing and stressful wait but well worth it. We moved from our home town Bournemouth to Ipswich with Ben's work, I gave up my careern and then married in Cumbria in 2009. We continued to have 2 more children very easily compared to Thomas, Jesiica and Baby Wilson.
Sunday, 16 December 2012
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Naturally Rasie prog
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
How to use progesterone to extend the luteal phase
How to use progesterone to extend the luteal phase
A low dose of progesterone will not help. 100-200mg/day or more progesterone should be used, depending on symptoms. In some cases up to 400mg/day will be needed. It should be used from ovulation, or during the 50 hour pre-ovulatory surge.
If used too early i.e. 7 to 8 days before ovulation, which is when many women are told to start it, progesterone can act as a contraceptive, but usually 200mg/day or more are needed. So starting too early can prevent the chance of falling pregnant.
When to start using progesterone
It is advisable to start the progesterone well before pregnancy to allow the body to adjust. Many women are started on progesterone many days, often weeks after they fall pregnant and suffer oestrogen dominance symptoms. It's bad enough suffering from these when first pregnant, but twice?! For more info please see the page on Oestrogen Dominance.
How to check when ovulation has occurred
Taking temperature readings or using a mini microscope will help to check for ovulation, the mini microscope is more reliable, as temperature can vary from as little as 0.5 degrees to 5 degrees.
Saliva or vaginal mucus is used for the test, by dabbing a small amount on the end of the microscope. During the follicular phase, the pattern formed by the saliva/mucus is spotty, as ovulation draws near a fern like pattern starts emerging, becoming completely fern like when ovulation has occurred, returning to the spotty pattern almost immediately. For more information see Ovulation Microscope.
Normal oral body temperature in adult men and women ranges between 33.2-38.2°C (92-101°F). Typical average temperatures are 37.0°C (98.6°F).
In women it varies between the follicular and the luteal phase. During the follicular phase, i.e. from the first day of menstruation to ovulation, it ranges from 36.45 to 36.7°C (97.6 to 98.1°F).
During the 12-14 day luteal phase, i.e. after ovulation to menstruation, temperature increases by 0.15 - 0.45°C (0.2 - 0.9°F) due to the increased metabolic rate caused by rapidly rising levels of progesterone. Temperature ranges between 36.7 - 37.3°C (98.1 - 99.2°F) during the luteal phase, but drops down to follicular levels within a few days of bleeding.
One of the most important things to remember about conception is the life span of the sperm and ovum. The average life of the sperm appears to be two to three days, sometimes longer, but the ovum only lives twelve hours and in rare cases twenty four hours.
All research points to a greater success in conception if intercourse takes place in the one to two days prior to ovulation, when the fern like pattern is almost complete. This is during the preovulatory progesterone surge.
This allows time for the sperm to travel through the uterus and up the Fallopian tubes to meet the egg before it becomes over mature or it dies. One of the problems with an over mature egg is it diminishes the chances of fertilisation, can result in a miscarriage or result in foetal abnormalities. The health of the future child is dependant on these factors.
The nearer intercourse takes place to ovulation, the greater the chances of conception.
It must be remembered that twelve to fourteen days is necessary for the lining to mature enough to receive a fertilised egg. If bleeding does occur, it means the egg has not been fertilised or implantation has not taken place. The progesterone should then be stopped and only started again at the next ovulation. If bleeding does not start fourteen days later, it is possible that fertilisation and implantation have occurred.
On no account must the progesterone be stopped at this stage, otherwise it could cause a miscarriage.
If there is no menstruation and pregnancy is confirmed, the progesterone should be continued, using between 100-200mg/day or more until the fourth month. After the critical stage has passed the progesterone it can be tapered off slowly, or can be continued until birth.
The majority of women are advised to stop cold turkey, this is not advisable. Progesterone withdrawal can not only cause a miscarriage if the placenta is making insufficient at this point. But other adverse symptoms can occur. These are the same as those experienced due to progesterone withdrawal the few days prior to bleeding during the monthly cycle.
If tapering off, the amount should be reduced very slowly, taking about a month to do so. This is easy to do if using a progesterone cream, difficult if using injections or suppositories. Either switch to a cream, or in the case of injections withdraw slightly less progesterone from the vial for each reduction. In the case of suppositories, divide them into 25mg pieces, adjusting the tapering by using as many pieces as required.
It's advisable to continue using progesterone until birth if there's a likelihood of a pre-term birth or pre-eclampsia.
Please monitor symptoms, and if spotting, headaches, water retention or nausea should occur increase the amount and continue using it till birth. In some women water retention and a rise in blood pressure sometimes occurs in the last one to two months, please increase the amount if this should happen.
If nausea occurs 400-800mg/day is needed to stop it.
It is the first three, possibly four months that are critical. 25% of miscarriages occur during the first six weeks when the child is still in the embryo stage. The risk drops to 8% after eight weeks, when the child is now termed a foetus.
During this time the placenta is developing and after about two months starts secreting progesterone, while ovarian production starts declining. If at this point placental production is insufficient to meet the demands of the growing foetus a miscarriage can occur. It is therefore advisable to continue with the supplemental progesterone until at least the third month. All being well the placenta continues to make progesterone in increasing amounts until birth, when levels drop abruptly with the expulsion of the placenta, or afterbirth as it's now generally termed.
Miscarriages and Pre-term births
Many factors cause miscarriages, far too many for here. But a few are chromosomal alterations, uterine anomalies, antiphospholipid antibodies, exposure to bisphenol A an endocrine disruptor, high alcohol intake, high levels of the inflammatory cytokines TNFa and IL-6, and natural killer cells, if activated by TNFa, may cause the death of the embryo. Progesterone suppresses TNFa and IL-6 activity, and excessive NK cell activity.
Of significance for this page are low levels of progesterone and Vitamin D, and high levels of oestrogen and free testosterone, often overlooked. A level of progesterone over 12.3 ng/ml in early pregnancy indicates a normal pregnancy.
A ratio of 1.05 or higher for free testosterone to total testosterone indicates a miscarriage is likely. But if the free testosterone ratio is lower than 0.84 a normal pregnancy occurs. The reasoning behind this is excess oestrogen causes foetal death. The enzyme 5-alpha reductase Type 1 mRNA is induced in the pregnant brain, this inactivates testosterone, which reduces the available substrate for oestrogen synthesis.
Progesterone also inhibits the enzyme aromatase, which effects the conversion of testosterone to oestrogen.
A short cervix increases the risk of pre-term births, progesterone reduces the risk.
It is also essential to bear in mind that stress can cause a miscarriage. The rise in cortisol in response to the stress, results in a drop in the progesterone level, this in turn can lead to spotting or a miscarriage. To prevent this, as soon as any stress is felt, increase the amount of progesterone till it has passed. If any Anxiety is felt please look through this page.
Many women are devastated by a miscarriage, understandably, but none are warned that as many as 20% of all pregnancies end in a miscarriage within two weeks of fertilisation. Another 15% occur within the first fourteen weeks (three and half months).
A short cervix increases the risk of pre-term births, progesterone reduces the risk.
It is also essential to bear in mind that stress can cause a miscarriage. The rise in cortisol in response to the stress, results in a drop in the progesterone level, this in turn can lead to spotting or a miscarriage. To prevent this, as soon as any stress is felt, increase the amount of progesterone till it has passed. If any anxiety is felt please look through this page.
Many women are devastated by a miscarriage, understandably, but none are warned that as many as 20% of all pregnancies end in a miscarriage within two weeks of fertilisation. Another 15% occur within the first fourteen weeks (three and half months).
Studies have shown that low progesterone and vitamin D levels are found in preeclampsia. One study finding progesterone was 'pathologically and statistically' lower. Serum allopregnanolone (a potent metabolite of progesterone) was found to be significantly lower too. The Th1 (inflammatory cytokines) and Th2 (anti-inflammatory cytokines) play a role. The number of Th1 cells and the ratio of Th1:Th2 in preeclampsia is significantly higher than in a normal pregnancy. Progesterone and vitamin D both increase levels of Th2.
But a number of other factors have been found to play a role. Women with insulin resistance, high levels of malondialdehyde and homocysteine are at greater risk of developing preeclampsia. A lack of selenium and low levels of glutathione and other antioxidants increase the risk too.
If recurrent miscarriages, pre-term births or preeclampsia have occurred consider using 200-600mg/day progesterone. Many believe progesterone is not effective at preventing these, but the evidence points to far too little progesterone being used in the unsuccessful studies.
25% of women suffer some form of depression after child birth. From the 'baby blues', to post natal depression (PND), to post natal psychosis (PNP), which can result in infanticide and suicide. Luckily PNP only occurs in 0.05% of women. The depression is caused by the rapid drop in progesterone levels after the expulsion of the placenta. Serotonin levels drop too. Anti-depressants are not required, what is are large amounts of progesterone. From 800mg/day for PND up to 2400mg/day for post natal psychosis, the amounts Dr Dalton found effective.
To recap...
Progesterone must only be used at ovulation, or during the 50 hour preovulatory surge if pregnancy is the aim
Take temperature readings or use a mini microscope to help check for ovulation
On no account must the progesterone be stopped if conception is suspected, otherwise it could cause a miscarriage
It is essential to continue the progesterone over the first 2-3 month critical phase, particularly the first 2 months
It is also essential to bear in mind that stress can cause a miscarriage
The nearer intercourse takes place to ovulation, the greater the chances of conception
Use at least 100-200mg/day progesterone, possibly more
It should always be used a minimum of twice a day by dividing the amount
Make sure sufficient nutrients are taken to support the pregnancy, particularly vitamin D and taurine
Avoid all skin care, foods and drinks which contain endocrine disruptors and other toxins, these can cause epigenetic changes in the foetus
Mention should be made of the drugs which are often given in place of progesterone to prevent miscarriages and pre-term births, in the mistaken belief they are one and the same. One is a synthetic progesterone called Duphaston which contains dydrogesterone. Another is 17-hydroxyprogesterone caproate (17-OHP-C), also a synthetic hormone.
But because they're progestins, they are not broken down into the normal progesterone metabolites, such as the all important allopregnanolone. These are as essential as progesterone itself, especially in pregnancy, when the foetus is particularly susceptible to toxins or a lack of necessary nutrients.
A metabolite of progesterone is sometimes used too, 17-Hydroxyprogesterone, this is natural, and increases during the third trimester. It's often called 17-OHP, or 17-OH, or 17-P.
No adverse side affects have been reported with the use of 17-OHP, which is produced primarily by the adrenal glands. But there are safety concerns about 17-OHP-C use. Progesterone is also more potent that 17-OHP-C.
OTC Drugs
Many women take over-the-counter mild analgesics during pregnancy. Drugs such as acetaminophen (paracetamol), and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) like ibuprofen and acetylsalicyclic acid (aspirin). These have been shown to increase the risk of congenital malformations, including cryptorchidism and hypospadia. Paracetamol in particular increased the risk of cryptorchidism as it's a potent inhibitor of androgen production.
hCG or human chorionic gonadotrophin is a hormone produced by the developing embryo after conception. Once the embryo has implanted a specialised part of the placenta takes over production. The role of hCG is to prevent the corpus luteum from disintegration. The corpus luteum is critical for the production of progesterone for the first 8 weeks, until the placenta begins to take over production. Please note that hCG starts dropping after 13 to 16 weeks GA as the corpus luteum is no longer needed.
GA: Gestational Age or LMP: Last Menstrual Period
It is standard practice to take the last menstrual period as the 'age' of the foetus. This is always regarded as occurring 14 days prior to ovulation. But foetal age can of course vary, as the menstrual cycle varies between 21 to 35 days. Ovulation occurring between days 7 to 21, and therefore conception occurring on or just after. If a woman has a longer or shorter cycle than 28 days, this should be taken into account.
Chart taken from Dr Dalton's book "Once a Month"...
Levels of progesterone during the menstrual cycle and pregnancy
Here's the link to the chapter from Dr Dalton's book 'PMS The Essential Guide to Treatment Options' on the role progesterone plays during pregnancy.
In memory of Dr Katherina (Kittie) Dalton.
To understand the hormonal changes in pregnancy please see the page on Hormone Testing.
Additional information
The growing foetus is an extra burden on the mother, so it is essential to make sure all nutrients the foetus needs are available.
Please consider taking the following each day...
5 000iu's/day vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) vital for a developing foetus, to prevent miscarriages, epigenetic changes, rickets, heart failure, epilepsy, Type 1 diabetes, and upper respiratory track infections in the newborn, to reduce the risk of preeclampsia in the mother
1000-2000mg/day taurine to prevent epilepsy, insulin resistance, impaired glucose tolerance, diabetes, impaired neurological function, vascular dysfunction and growth retardation in the developing foetus and newborn. Taurine is not found in grains, legumes, vegetables, nuts, seeds or fruit, only animal protein.
5ml Omega 3 fish oil, particularly DHA, needed by the developing brain
Vitamin B complex with extra folic acid bringing this up to 800mcg/day to prevent neural tube defects. If a vegetarian, please be cautious, as excess folic acid masks a B12 deficiency. A lack of B12 in utero increases the risk of insulin resistance in the child.
Do not take cod liver oil, or any fish liver oil. The excessive vitamin A it contains prevents vitamin D from being absorbed. Take beta-carotene if short of vitamin A.
To clear any confusion, 'fish oil' comes from the muscle of the fish and contains Omega 3. Fish 'liver' oil obviously comes from the liver, it contains large amounts of vitamin A and very small amounts of vitamin D. There is a world of difference between the two.
For more info on vitamin D levels, test kits etc see...Vitamin D Council
Birmingham Hospital
Vitamin D Links
Blood levels should be 70-100ng/ml (175-250nmol/L) and not the 30ng/ml (75nmol/L) most labs and doctors regard as adequate. The minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day, although recent research indicates it should be 10,000iu's per day, see here.
Read all labels on containers, especially those for food and cosmetics. Look for natural alternatives to body care products, many contain high levels of endocrine disruptors and carcinogens, particularly the sunscreens.
Please see Our Stolen Future for more information on endocrine disruptors.
Please see the page on Nutrition for more information about food.
For more information on pregnancy see..
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Progesterone Cream
Pregnancy... How to use progesterone before conception and during pregnancy is explained on this page. There's is an explanation of a defective luteal phase and how to extend it. Plus information on the surge of progesterone that comes from the brain prior to ovulation, and how to use progesterone to enhance ovulation and implantation.
Contraception... Progesterone can be used as a contraceptive. It has none of the adverse side effects the drug based contraceptives can have.
It should be started 3 to 8 days or more before ovulation depending on the cycle length. This will stop the oestrogen surge which occurs 2-5 days before ovulation. This surge of oestrogen is necessary to complete the final step before ovulation. There's more information about the mid-cycle surge of hormones on the pregnancy page.
A study of progesterone contraception found a failure rate of 2.66 pregnancies per 100 women, which compares well with other methods. Please be aware that stress drops progesterone levels, so protection drops. Increase the amount used to cover the stressful time, or use a temporary alternate method. There's more information on this page.
Amounts of 100-200mg/day should be used.
It should be continued until bleeding occurs when it should be stopped. Resume using it again as outlined above.
Adverse symptoms... If symptoms are severe, it's advisable to use progesterone daily for the entire month, using it through any bleeding. Follow this procedure for 2-3 months or until stable. This ensures progesterone becomes the dominant hormone. Each time a break is taken for the follicular phase, ie from bleeding to ovulation, oestrogen rises again, and adverse symptoms return.
Once stable the cycle can be followed again. ie when the next period occurs, stop using the progesterone for the follicular phase, and resume again at ovulation. If this is not known, start again 12-14 days before bleeding.
For general use it's not necessary to know when ovulation occurs, beginning 12-14 days before bleeding is sufficient. But if pregnancy is the aim, it is necessary to know when ovulation occurs. The pregnancy page explains this in detail.
Very heavy, and/or continual bleeding... see the Menstruation page for information.
Stress... drops progesterone levels sharply, so adverse symptoms can return. The reason for this is cortisol, the stress hormone, is made from progesterone. The stress response is a survival instinct, so the body will use any available progesterone to convert it into cortisol to overcome the stress, be it acute or chronic, good or bad. Progesterone should be increased over any stressful time.
Oestrogen Dominance... This is a term coined to describe adverse symptoms which occur when first using progesterone. It generally occurs if 20-40mg/day progesterone is used. Dr Dalton's patients never experienced it as she gave them amounts varying between 400-800mg/day.
It also occurs in the early days of pregnancy with rising progesterone levels. If progesterone doesn't rise fast enough nausea, headaches, tiredness, high blood pressure and more can occur. The same symptoms can occur in the last month or so of pregnancy, when progesterone should be at it's peak. This can lead to pre-eclampsia.
It can also occur when first using progesterone, when increasing it, when decreasing it or stopping it. Or when changing brands of progesterone without taking into account the amount of progesterone in the product.
Many blame progesterone and reduce the amount they're using, ironically this does help. It's now no longer stimulating oestrogen, but defeats the purpose. Which is to suppress the excess oestrogen causing the adverse symptoms in the first place.
To prevent it happening progesterone should be increased. Ideally, high amounts should be used initially to prevent it occurring.
Adverse symptoms only occur when the ratio of progesterone to oestrogen becomes unbalanced.
They can occur from the last few days prior to and during bleeding, and are due to dropping progesterone levels, generally referred to as progesterone withdrawal. The medical term catamenial is used to describe them, from the Greek word for menses or menstruation. A more common term is PMS.
They can also occur just prior to and during ovulation. And they can occur during the entire luteal phase. Plus of course they can occur in the early days of pregnancy, throughout it's duration, or after birth.
In every case it's caused by a shortage of progesterone in ratio to oestrogen.
The higher the oestrogen, the lower the progesterone, the worse the symptoms.
Some of the severer symptoms which can occur are...
heart palpitations
anxiety and panic attacks
asthma attacks
collapsed lung
post natal depression and psychosis after birth
If any of these symptoms are experienced prior to using progesterone, it's essential to use very high amounts to prevent worsening of symptoms due to oestrogen dominance, i.e. 400-500mg/day.
Oestrogen rises exponentially 2-5 days before ovulation. Progesterone should surge during these days too. This surge comes from the brain, and has nothing to do with the rise in progesterone after ovulation. If this surge does not take place, oestrogen will be dominant and severe symptoms can be experienced.
Oestrogen peaks mid-luteal phase. Progesterone should too. But if there's a failure in the corpus luteum to secrete sufficient progesterone during the luteal phase, or if ovulation does not take place, severe symptoms can be experienced throughout the luteal phase.
If the luteal phase proceeds normally, ie there is the pre-ovulatory surge in progesterone, ovulation takes place and the corpus luteum secretes sufficient, no adverse symptoms will be experienced.
But the rapid drop in progesterone levels the few days before bleeding are enough to cause adverse symptoms in many women.
The following pages give more information on other adverse problems...Breast cysts
Breast tenderness
Hot Flushes
Ovarian Cysts
From running Saliva Tests it's been found the ratio of progesterone to oestrogen should be 600:1 and over to feel well.Please have a vitamin D test done. For more info on vitamin D levels, test kits etc see...Vitamin D Council
Birmingham Hospital
Blood levels should be 70-100ng/ml or 175-250nmol/L and not the 30ng/ml or 75nmol/L most labs and doctors regard as adequate. The minimum daily dose should be 5000iu's per day, although the latest research indicates it should be 10,000iu's per day, see here.
See the Hormone Testing page for more information on hormone levels.
See here for information on... progesterone testing methods
The following chart gives an idea of when to use progesterone during a cycle. Bearing in mind if adverse symptoms are experienced, progesterone should be used daily throughout the cycle until symptoms have gone.
Ovulation Chart...
The amount of progesterone to use is dependant on symptoms.Follicular phase... This starts on the first day of bleeding and ends at ovulation, no progesterone is used
Luteal phase... This starts from ovulation until bleeding. It is always, in all women, 12-14 days long
Progesterone should be used during the luteal phase.
For contraceptive purposes, deduct 5 to 8 days from the date of ovulation to start progesterone.
Approximate date of ovulation...
Cycle length
21 day
22 day
23 day
24 day
25 day
26 day
27 day
28 day
29 day
30 day
31 day
32 day
33 day
34 day
35 day
Menstruation should start within a day or two of stopping the progesterone.
Here's a chart comparing ml and teaspoons...
Having read this you have now learnt pretty much all there to know about how to use progesterone cream, but please don't forget the important message about...
'oestrogen dominance'
And, finally, here's how and where to...
Buy Progesterone Cream
Read more:
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
Early "o"
Could I really be ovulating this early, very strange!
Mine is the purple one and the other is another persons who got preg ovulating on day "9"
Mine is the purple one and the other is another persons who got preg ovulating on day "9"
Saturday, 24 November 2012
Herbs and vit for fertility
Great site for us older ladies!!!
L-Arginine Increases Ovarian Response
L-Arginine Increases Ovarian Response
Many research papers have now proven how L-Arginine plays a very important role in rejuvenation and on human fertility.
A study published in 1999 in the journal of human reproduction, showed how L-Arginine supplementation increases ovarian response, endometrial receptivity, and pregnancy rates in IVF patients. L-Arginine is known to increase blood circulation to the uterus and ovaries allowing nutrients to reach the developing follicles, thus increasing egg production and quality.
Many research papers have now proven how L-Arginine plays a very important role in rejuvenation and on human fertility.
A study published in 1999 in the journal of human reproduction, showed how L-Arginine supplementation increases ovarian response, endometrial receptivity, and pregnancy rates in IVF patients. L-Arginine is known to increase blood circulation to the uterus and ovaries allowing nutrients to reach the developing follicles, thus increasing egg production and quality.
Low Progesterone
Progesterone, a steroid hormone is recognized as an important female hormone. The word progesterone is related to the Latin word 'Gestare' which means 'to bear or carry'. This by itself suggests the importance of this hormone in providing a fertile environment for conception and the continuous development of the embryo. Progesterone is made by the ovary during ovulation.
Read more at Buzzle:
Progesterone levels usually drop as women age!!!!
Progesterone levels usually drop as women age. By the time they reach 35, their progesterone levels have already dropped beyond the desired levels for conception
Read more at Buzzle:
Read more at Buzzle:
Going to try Maca too!!!
I am an addict of Vitex which has done wonders for my LP lengthening it from 9 days to 14 in 1 - 2 months. However I still feel my progesterone is too low from my low temps after o. They are about 36.60. They should be about 36.80 for me. I know I was pregnant the last 2 cycles but the fertilized egg failed to implant. So I am going to try thr following after lots of research!
Evening Primrose Oil 2000mg - 3000mg up until my Ovulation
Flexseed Oil Tablets after O 2000mg - 3000mg
Maca Roots all cycle long 3000mg
Vitex all cycle long 2000mg
Iron Tablets
Folic Acid
I am also tempted to take Asprin, not sure yet!!!!
I am an addict of Vitex which has done wonders for my LP lengthening it from 9 days to 14 in 1 - 2 months. However I still feel my progesterone is too low from my low temps after o. They are about 36.60. They should be about 36.80 for me. I know I was pregnant the last 2 cycles but the fertilized egg failed to implant. So I am going to try thr following after lots of research!
Evening Primrose Oil 2000mg - 3000mg up until my Ovulation
Flexseed Oil Tablets after O 2000mg - 3000mg
Maca Roots all cycle long 3000mg
Vitex all cycle long 2000mg
Iron Tablets
Folic Acid
I am also tempted to take Asprin, not sure yet!!!!
Group devoted to just low progesterone
Hi everyone! I thought I'd go ahead and create this group and see if people agree with me that there might be a need for a separate group focused on just the issue of low progesterone. After reading all over the internet, posting after posting from women with this problem, many resulting in miscarriage, I thought having a specialized group for this might be beneficial.
Myself right now, I just had a very low beta result on Thurs of 5, and a very low progesterone level of 4.25. I have been supplementing like mad with naturalprogesterone (varies with either Prometrium or progesterone vaginal suppositories or natural progesterone cream) but I don't think it's helping. My OB/GYN didn't sound at all hopeful when he said for me to go ahead and start supplementing. But basically I was only 8-10 days past ovulation when the beta was done, so I am praying that it is just really early and things might improve.
Any ideas? I've been told baby aspirin, garlic and **** quai. Thanks in advance, everyone!
Hi everyone! I thought I'd go ahead and create this group and see if people agree with me that there might be a need for a separate group focused on just the issue of low progesterone. After reading all over the internet, posting after posting from women with this problem, many resulting in miscarriage, I thought having a specialized group for this might be beneficial.
Myself right now, I just had a very low beta result on Thurs of 5, and a very low progesterone level of 4.25. I have been supplementing like mad with naturalprogesterone (varies with either Prometrium or progesterone vaginal suppositories or natural progesterone cream) but I don't think it's helping. My OB/GYN didn't sound at all hopeful when he said for me to go ahead and start supplementing. But basically I was only 8-10 days past ovulation when the beta was done, so I am praying that it is just really early and things might improve.
Any ideas? I've been told baby aspirin, garlic and **** quai. Thanks in advance, everyone!
Friday, 23 November 2012
Progesterone and Fertility
Thursday, 22 November 2012
Improving uterus lining after D&C
Thursday, 18 October 2012
2 week Wait - Pregnancy No5
This is my symptoms for the 2 week Wait
DPO6 - Vivid Dream about giving birth to a Baby Boy and we called him Sullivan. Irritating Boobs, Hungry, Tearfull
DPO6 - Vivid Dream about giving birth to a Baby Boy and we called him Sullivan. Irritating Boobs, Hungry, Tearfull
OK, some people would go metal if they new that I have been trying only 6 or so weeks after the D&D and missed misscarrage.
However I feel I am ready and just want that baby in my arms. Pushing it I know but we will just have to see what happens.
So As I am in my 2ww I will start writing down my symptoms for Pregnancy no5
However I feel I am ready and just want that baby in my arms. Pushing it I know but we will just have to see what happens.
So As I am in my 2ww I will start writing down my symptoms for Pregnancy no5
Vivid Deams
had a dream this morning that I had a baby born called Sullivian
had a dream this morning that I had a baby born called Sullivian
Thursday, 11 October 2012
Think I may have ovulated for the first time since the Missed Miscarriage Will not know now until another 2 days of temps. grrrrrr
Saturday, 6 October 2012
Bleeding during ovulation - is it normal?
Monday, 24 September 2012
Period arrived at last
Ok, I have not written for a while, not had the strength after the missed miscarriage then D&C. Thought my cycle was OK> What, don't be silly, I must have been under some weird allusion that my cycle after the D&C would produce a pregnancy. I am so silly.
However 24 days after my D&C I thin I have what I would class as my period. Brilliant, let's hope all goes well and my cycle is pretty much back to normal. We are trying so fingers crossed
However 24 days after my D&C I thin I have what I would class as my period. Brilliant, let's hope all goes well and my cycle is pretty much back to normal. We are trying so fingers crossed
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
My story- Natural miscarriage of a blighted ovum
My story- Natural miscarriage of a blighted ovum
queenL2 · Pass a Note!
Posted 01/06/2011
I wanted to share my blighted ovum story with the hope that it might help someone in the same situation.
My husband and I had been TTC our second child for about 8 mos. We finally got the positive test we were hoping for the second week of November. I had my first US at 6wk 3 days which revealed an empty sac (No fetal pole, no yolk sac just a gestational sac). I tried to stay calm because I remembered that my OB had difficulty finding a heartbeat during my first pregnancy (I have a tilted uterus). We agonized for a week then too, and it was in vain. The next ultrasound we found her heartbeat and all was well. So, needless to say I was hoping that we would have the same outcome this time. We waited through one of the longest weeks of our lives for the second ultrasound. In the meantime I began to do a lot of research on “empty sacs” which I came to know as a blighted ovum.
(Websites I found helpful)
The US was repeated at 7wks 5 days still an empty sac with some growth (although they said it was not enough). It was then the magnitude of what they were telling me hit and I begin to break down in the waiting room. I was likely going to lose this baby. How can this be when I still have morning sickness, tender breasts and a host of other pregnancy symptoms? My doctor wanted to schedule a “consultation” to discuss my options. In short, those were: D&C, Cytotec( misoprostal) or waiting for a natural miscarriage. From the advice I gleaned on the internet. I insisted on having my HCG tested. She had yet to test my HCG on either visit. My doctor looked at me like I was crazy. I could see the “what is the point” in her eyes. Nevertheless, I insisted so she reluctantly agreed.
I decided to wait for the natural miscarriage. Hear me because I don’t want to even appear as though I’m passing judgement on any woman for her choice in this very difficult situation. I’m just explaining how I arose at my decision. I’m always sceptical of unnecessary medical intervention and I was afraid to be wrong. I was also terribly uncomfortable with the idea of having a D&C. After reading so many stories of misdiagnosis on these boards it was completely unacceptable to me to rush to termination. I knew that I would always wonder “what if” and I couldn’t live with that. Besides, once I started to look at the risks involved with each option it quickly became apparent that natural miscarriage was the best and safest choice for me.
Cytotec -
Natural miscarriage
I did worry about the risk of infection. However, I knew that there was the risk of infection if I had a D&C too. Yes, I wondered how I would endure weeks of waiting if it turned out to be the case...but I knew I could endure weeks of waiting easier than a lifetime of wondering “what if”.
The very next day, I felt discharge and scrambled to the bathroom to see if “it” was happening. I second guessed whether I had made the right decision. How could I handle running to the bathroom each time I felt any discharge. How could I handle wondering whether I’d be sitting in my office, driving my car or at the grocery store when suddenly an embarrassing gush of blood would initiate my miscarriage?
A few days later I got the results of my HCG and progesterone tests. The levels came back normal for the gestational age of my embryo. I took that sign as further confirmation that I should wait this thing out....just in case. I decided that is was really difficult to hear this. I didn’t quite know what to do with the information. I wanted to be hopeful but I didn’t want it to be false hope. It was great to have normal levels but I knew from research that my levels could still be normal with a BO because my body may not realize yet what has happened. I begin searching the internet for “miscarriage wait times”. Exactly when was this going to pass out of me? I got so many different answers from a few days to a few months. I was also curious how long I could safely wait to miscarry on my own. My doctor said a few weeks easily, yet after that my risk of infection grew with every week I waited. I chatted with other woman who had waited as long as 3 months for their BO’s to pass. Please don’t let that be me I thought. I knew my doctor would be pressuring me to abort long before then. I also realized that I could find no definitive times on how long I could safely wait. One lady I spoke with didn’t start her prenatal care until her 10th wk. So she didn’t discover her BO until then. She waited a few weeks to miscarry naturally even though by the sac size, the fetus had stopped growing many weeks earlier. I thought if she was able to safely wait it out for almost 6 weeks, why couldn’t I? I decided that at the end of my doctors approved four week wait period, if I still hadn’t miscarried I would insist on another HCG/progesterone test and ultrasound before I determined whether I would continue to wait or not.
After a few days of scrambling to the bathroom every time I “felt something”. I began to relax. Each day got easier. During the second week of waiting, I woke up one morning and panicked. I realized I didn’t have a single symptom of pregnancy anymore. I cried again, realizing once more that I was probably not going to be one of the ones who were “misdiagnosed”. By the third week I was really able to not be consumed by the blighted ovum anymore. Meaning, my life was getting back to normal and even though I was still waiting it didn’t consume my thoughts anymore. I thought I wouldn’t have peace with the blighted ovum until after the miscarriage had happened. That was not the case. Despite the craziness of the situation...the, “I’m pregnant...but I’m really not”. I’m going to miscarry...but I haven’t. I came to peace with the situation in a way that I didn’t think I would be able to until long after. I prayed a lot during this time and I know I had a lot of people praying for me. The waiting period really did give me time to come to terms with what was happening in my body.
Finally on Christmas Day, nearly 6 weeks after my first ultrasound (2 days shy of my 12th wk) showing an empty sac, I begin to miscarry. It started off as blood tinged stretchy mucus. About a day later it turned to spotting and a few hours after that the bleeding got heavier. The worst came in the middle of the night the day after Christmas. I kept getting up to go to the bathroom because I could feel the sliding sensations of the clots. I passed several huge clots that night. They felt maybe golf ball sized, but I was too chicken to look. Afterwards, there were only mild cramps and bleeding like a heavier version of my menstrual cycle. I had had no real pain (never needed Advil or anything) only a few cramps here and there. I bled for about 8 days then I spotted for a few days after and it was over.
I think we will wait a full cycle and then begin trying again. Hopefully next time we will get the healthy, happy baby we are hoping for. I know that I will never again take for granted how much your body goes through to have a baby. Nor how easily it can all be taken away.
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
Sunday, 29 July 2012
Wanted - Pregnancy Partner
Come on girls hurry up and get pregnant I really want a Peggas Companion. Really don't want to do my last alone!
I thought I had gotten away it!!! Week 7 and it has arrived! I do not feel like eating anything!
Friday, 27 July 2012
I do beilive in God but didn't pray for Twins Just a healthy Pregnancy
I believe that God gives twinsI believe that God gives twins. I am so happy to read all the responses and in particular, the ones that mention prayer and blessings. I believe that God gives twins even where it is not hereditary and I look forward to the day it will happen to me too.—Guest Joy
Wished for twinsI'm 31, planned for a second pregnancy. I prayed to God for twins...and got them. Expecting soon!—Guest Ethy
I just feel very nervous that I feel very different to all my 3 pregnancies, almost paranoid that I have twins in my belly. Look I feel silly, I am sure it is just one and that the fact that I am a Identical Twin, My father was a non Identecail Twin and my mothers father was a twin has nothing to do with it, or does it?
I really would not cope with more than another one so I really do not think I would ask God for 2 unless he wanted me to have 2!!!!!
How to conceive twins!!!
CLOMID - This is the one surefire way to up your chance of twins, but you do need a doctor's prescription for it. You should NEVER buy Clomid online or use another person's Clomid, you need to be monitored by a doctor while you use it because serious, life threatening side effects may occur. (Clomid does sway pink)
GENETICS - Some of us just have a genetic tendency to hyperovulate and pop out more than one egg per month. If your mother, sister, aunts, or grandmother has fraternal twins, that means you just naturally have a greater chance of twins.
PREVIOUS PREGNANCY - The more times you've been pregnant, the higher your chances of twins!
PREVIOUS MULTIPLE PREGNANCY - If you've conceived multiples before, you're more likely to do so again.
AGE - After age 35 the rate of twins begins to rise. Women over 45 have 17% chance of twins, but of course it's extremely difficult to get pregnant at that age for most of us. Realistically, between ages 35-40 are your best shot for actually conceiving twins.
PHYSICAL SIZE - Tall women and those with a BMI over 30 are more likely to conceive twins.
DIET - Being well-nourished and even slightly overweight ups your chances of twins. Also, diets high in beef and dairy products may increase the odds of twins due to hormones present in cattle.
SOY - Taking soy isoflavones, 200 mg from CD 3-7, total of 5 days, may help to sway for twins. It acts as a natural Clomid. (may sway blue, because it does increase CM, but if you take antihistamines to dry up your CM you may get the benefits from the soy of releasing more than one egg, you may still be able to incorporate soy into a pink sway as well as a blue one.)
VITEX - Vitex from AF-O may sway for twins. (sways pink) However, some researchers believe that it may actually PREVENT twins. (I did conceive twins while taking vitex so I happen to know that isn't the case in all circumstances.)
FOLIC ACID - Scientists used to believe there was a link between Folic Acid intake in the three months prior to conception and twinning. Now it is believed that high Folic Acid intake simply helps twin pregnancies to both successfullly survive and thrive. Most twin conceptions are lost very early in pregnancy and by having ample Folic Acid in our bodies, we help our twins to both survive.
BREASTFEEDING - Getting pregnant while breastfeeding increases your odds of twins.
BIRTH CONTROL PILLS - Getting pregnant on the Pill increases your odds of twins, but no one should go onto the birth control pill for this reason. Getting pregnant on the pill may not be safe for your babies. But, if you get pregnant your first month off the Pill, you may still be more likely to conceive twins that month.
WILD YAM - Much has been made of this supplement because Africans who eat a lot of yams have more twins. I have read that the "wild yam" that is sold in supplements are not the same yams at all (and in fact may act as a birth control pill reducing your chances of twins!!). The yams at the grocery store aren't the same either. So eat a lot of yams if you like them, but this may not be effective.
GENETICS - Some of us just have a genetic tendency to hyperovulate and pop out more than one egg per month. If your mother, sister, aunts, or grandmother has fraternal twins, that means you just naturally have a greater chance of twins.
PREVIOUS PREGNANCY - The more times you've been pregnant, the higher your chances of twins!
PREVIOUS MULTIPLE PREGNANCY - If you've conceived multiples before, you're more likely to do so again.
AGE - After age 35 the rate of twins begins to rise. Women over 45 have 17% chance of twins, but of course it's extremely difficult to get pregnant at that age for most of us. Realistically, between ages 35-40 are your best shot for actually conceiving twins.
PHYSICAL SIZE - Tall women and those with a BMI over 30 are more likely to conceive twins.
DIET - Being well-nourished and even slightly overweight ups your chances of twins. Also, diets high in beef and dairy products may increase the odds of twins due to hormones present in cattle.
SOY - Taking soy isoflavones, 200 mg from CD 3-7, total of 5 days, may help to sway for twins. It acts as a natural Clomid. (may sway blue, because it does increase CM, but if you take antihistamines to dry up your CM you may get the benefits from the soy of releasing more than one egg, you may still be able to incorporate soy into a pink sway as well as a blue one.)
VITEX - Vitex from AF-O may sway for twins. (sways pink) However, some researchers believe that it may actually PREVENT twins. (I did conceive twins while taking vitex so I happen to know that isn't the case in all circumstances.)
FOLIC ACID - Scientists used to believe there was a link between Folic Acid intake in the three months prior to conception and twinning. Now it is believed that high Folic Acid intake simply helps twin pregnancies to both successfullly survive and thrive. Most twin conceptions are lost very early in pregnancy and by having ample Folic Acid in our bodies, we help our twins to both survive.
BREASTFEEDING - Getting pregnant while breastfeeding increases your odds of twins.
BIRTH CONTROL PILLS - Getting pregnant on the Pill increases your odds of twins, but no one should go onto the birth control pill for this reason. Getting pregnant on the pill may not be safe for your babies. But, if you get pregnant your first month off the Pill, you may still be more likely to conceive twins that month.
WILD YAM - Much has been made of this supplement because Africans who eat a lot of yams have more twins. I have read that the "wild yam" that is sold in supplements are not the same yams at all (and in fact may act as a birth control pill reducing your chances of twins!!). The yams at the grocery store aren't the same either. So eat a lot of yams if you like them, but this may not be effective.
Oh my goodness, I am so so so tired. This is really going to be tough. It is Friday I have worked all week (well my three days) I have had the kids, I have also done an event for work one of the evenings and I cannot keep myself awake. It is only 4.30pm and Ben is not due home until about 6.00 ish. And he is going out for the night with a good friend for a few drinks!!! I do wonder if I am only growing one baby I don't remember being this tired! I am not sure where I am going to get the energy and strength to get through the first trimester. Now you can understand why I decided to call the book "nine months covered in kids, it's bad enough doing pregnancy when you don't have kids what about when you do! I am currently;y making myself a very strong filter coffee even though I only limit myself to one a day!
Why do other women resent me for having a fourth child? By LORRAINE CANDY
When Lorraine told friends she was pregnant at 42, she was horrified by the sniping and jealousy it provoked. Why should only women like Posh Spice, Heidi Klum, Jules Oliver and Tana Ramsay, who have the money and lifestyle, be able to have larger families?
When I was younger, I never wanted children. Never fantasised about what my future family may look like as a teenager, or day-dreamed of baby names in quieter moments at work.
It’s not that I didn’t like children, but I could see how much they needed and the younger me wanted other things so much more.
Even when my little sister had a child at 27 the thought of ever having one of my own didn’t cross my mind; motherhood wasn’t the logical conclusion to my life.
Read more:
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
Being Preggas with Todllers
6 weeks Pregnant
See the bigger picture.
How your baby's growing:
This week's major developments: The nose, mouth, and ears that you'll spend so much time kissing in eight months are beginning to take shape. If you could see into your uterus, you'd find an oversize head and dark spots where your baby's eyes and nostrils are starting to form. His emerging ears are marked by small depressions on the sides of the head, and his arms and legs by protruding buds. His heart is beating about 100 to 160 times a minute — almost twice as fast as yours — and blood is beginning to course through his body. His intestines are developing, and the bud of tissue that will give rise to his lungs has appeared. His pituitary gland is forming, as are the rest of his brain, muscles, and bones. Right now, your baby is a quarter of an inch long, about the size of a lentil.
Quick Clicks
Morning sickness: Causes, concerns, treatments
Doctor or midwife: Which is right for you?
Infections that can affect pregnancy
Chart: Over-the-counter medications during pregnancy
When and how to tell your child you're pregnant: Overview
See what's going on in your uterus this week.
Note: Every baby develops a little differently — even in the womb. Our information is designed to give you a general idea of your baby's development.
How your life's changing:
You may find yourself developing a bit of a split personality — feeling moody one day and joyful the next. Unsettling as this is (especially if you pride yourself on being in control), what you're going through is normal. Ricocheting emotions are caused partly by fluctuating hormones. But hormones aside, your life is about to change in a big way — and whowouldn't feel emotional about that?
Sunday, 22 July 2012
When does Morning Sickness Start?
I am 5 weeks and 4 days and wondering if I will suffer morning sickness like I did with the other three. rather cross with myself as I did'nt write in each of their Pregnancy journals when it started. I have nothing to refer back too.
Saturday, 21 July 2012
Another Test Pregnant 3+
I have done another test as I am paranoid that I do not feel pregnant at all. Fortunately I did not write in my Pregnancy Journals for Jesiica and Wilson early on as I must have had my hands full. I have nothing to refer back to. This is the whole reason for writing this blog/book as there is not much research and information on 4th pregnancy's and what to expect.
It seems strange that up until now I totally trusted my body and was sure that I was indeed pregnant, now I have only a few symptoms like tired and full boobs that I don't feel pregnant at all. However I am only into my 6th week and sickness tends to kick in about 7/8 weeks.
As you can imagine I felt very relived that the test came out about right!
Maybe it is not twins and just a singleton after all. I think, if it was twins this test may show me further along, hay hang on a minutes it doesn't show any more than 3 weeks + so I am talking out of my butt!
It seems strange that up until now I totally trusted my body and was sure that I was indeed pregnant, now I have only a few symptoms like tired and full boobs that I don't feel pregnant at all. However I am only into my 6th week and sickness tends to kick in about 7/8 weeks.
As you can imagine I felt very relived that the test came out about right!
Maybe it is not twins and just a singleton after all. I think, if it was twins this test may show me further along, hay hang on a minutes it doesn't show any more than 3 weeks + so I am talking out of my butt!
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
Like the look of this: will have to remember to do it when the baby is born.
Feeling Blue
Gosh where do I start, I feel terrible, not sickness or headaches, I feel really blue. I am so so tired, Jesiica and Wilson had both my husband and I up several times in the night. Not helped by going to bed at 11pm, which for me is very late!
I don't wont to cry I just want to sleep for weeks and weeks and weeks. I said that I would really enjoy this pregnancy and I am only on week 5 it really is dragging!! I have an awful long way to go!
Hormones and lack of sleep are to blame I am sure, but I and angry and cross with myself, I had everything under control 5 weeks ago. The house was nice and calm, the children very happy and not stressed, now, it's all over the place and all because I am pregnant. And yes, I so wanted this last baby so so bad I must have forgotten how bad being pregnant in the first trimester can be and espcally when you have to hold down a job and look after three children under 4!
I am getting very frustrated as I am trying to find a book for mums like me who are pregnant and has have three very little one's running around their ankles, can I find anything, Nooooooooooo.
Well it is a good job I have started to write my own book, I am hoping that I cannot be the only mum out there that wants to read books like this too!
I don't wont to cry I just want to sleep for weeks and weeks and weeks. I said that I would really enjoy this pregnancy and I am only on week 5 it really is dragging!! I have an awful long way to go!
Hormones and lack of sleep are to blame I am sure, but I and angry and cross with myself, I had everything under control 5 weeks ago. The house was nice and calm, the children very happy and not stressed, now, it's all over the place and all because I am pregnant. And yes, I so wanted this last baby so so bad I must have forgotten how bad being pregnant in the first trimester can be and espcally when you have to hold down a job and look after three children under 4!
I am getting very frustrated as I am trying to find a book for mums like me who are pregnant and has have three very little one's running around their ankles, can I find anything, Nooooooooooo.
Well it is a good job I have started to write my own book, I am hoping that I cannot be the only mum out there that wants to read books like this too!
Monday, 16 July 2012
Pregnant with fourth and others still struggling to have their first or even second
I cannot help but feel very guilty that I have supposedly fallen pregnant for the fourth time so easily! It may look like it was easy, however I am very obsessed with pregnancy and fertility so I do everything I can and use what ever resources to get pregnant.
I did fall pregnant Feb this year but it didn't stick hence why I realized I had issues and started taking vitex and temping to see what the problem was!
So when I actually do fall pregnant it seems as thought it just happened. I can assure you it didn't just happen. I have a wonderful dear friend who still is unable to have children and has been trying every since I was pregnant with my first. My heart breaks for her all the time and I feel very tearful that I am unable to do anything for her. AArrgghhhhhh. I also have other friends who are struggling too. I just hope that I can help with all the resource and knowledge that has helped me.
I did fall pregnant Feb this year but it didn't stick hence why I realized I had issues and started taking vitex and temping to see what the problem was!
So when I actually do fall pregnant it seems as thought it just happened. I can assure you it didn't just happen. I have a wonderful dear friend who still is unable to have children and has been trying every since I was pregnant with my first. My heart breaks for her all the time and I feel very tearful that I am unable to do anything for her. AArrgghhhhhh. I also have other friends who are struggling too. I just hope that I can help with all the resource and knowledge that has helped me.
Friday, 13 July 2012
Why I am struggling ALREADY
"Pregnancy Hormones Make Me Crazy or Why I Shouldn’t be Allowed in Public
by MARIA on AUGUST 3, 2011
So, I’m trying something new by writing some personal stuff. We’ll see how it goes. If no one reads/comments, or if comments are mean, I might change my mind! I figured Wednesday would be a good day for it; What’s on my Mind Wednesday or what have you.
Now, I am normally totally non-confrontational and take a “kill ‘em with kindness” approach. However, that pregnancy “glow” you see is actually rage simmering under the surface of my skin. I just don’t do pregnancy well and I’m surprised my husband puts up with me, LOL.
When I’m driving, I stay in the right lane with my cruise control on for the most part. I stay out of people’s way and just shake my head when the person who nearly ran me down ends up beside me at a stoplight 10 minutes later. I’m always telling my husband not to get worked up about traffic or idiot drivers because all it will do is raise his blood pressure and send him to an early grave!"
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
Two Pink Lines
My sister says it is going to be a girl. I also dreamt of 2 pink lines. When I was pregnant with jesiica I badly craved for Blue cheese and crackers and now I feel the same, Marmite too!!!
Tori Spelling Is Pregnant Again
I too feel like this but I will not let it put me off telling people.
"Tori Spelling recently announced on her blog that she's pregnant with her fourth child, just five months after the birth of her third child, writing: "We feel truly blessed that another angel has found us."
Many have raised an eyebrow that Spelling and husband Dean McDermott -- already parents of Liam, 5; Stella, 3 1/2; and Hattie, 5 months -- are adding to their brood so soon.
Here's what I have to say to them: Can it. When I became pregnant with my fourth child, I was reluctant to announce my pregnancy to family and friends, because I didn't want to hear what anyone thought about the appropriateness of my pregnancy. It's not always easy being part of a larger-than-average family in a society that expects no more than two kids per household.
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"Tori Spelling recently announced on her blog that she's pregnant with her fourth child, just five months after the birth of her third child, writing: "We feel truly blessed that another angel has found us."
Many have raised an eyebrow that Spelling and husband Dean McDermott -- already parents of Liam, 5; Stella, 3 1/2; and Hattie, 5 months -- are adding to their brood so soon.
Here's what I have to say to them: Can it. When I became pregnant with my fourth child, I was reluctant to announce my pregnancy to family and friends, because I didn't want to hear what anyone thought about the appropriateness of my pregnancy. It's not always easy being part of a larger-than-average family in a society that expects no more than two kids per household.
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Discussing the book with my husband
I really want this book to be honest and frank, it wouldn't be worth while otherwise. The whole purpose is to give information and knowledge to people in my similar situation. I have found nothing for myself to read about having a fourth child and being pregnant with three very small children round your ankles.
So I had to ask my husband weather he minded me putting very personal and private things into this book. Thankfully he agreed.
So I had to ask my husband weather he minded me putting very personal and private things into this book. Thankfully he agreed.
Early Pregnancy Signs
I knew I was pregnant very early in fact after ovulation because of the following and that I am extremely in tune with my body!!
My nails grow really really strong over night.
I have lost 1.5 stone in the last three months so I have a very flat stomach, however my womb just popped out at about DPO7, it was very strange. My womb shape was/is like a pear drop.
I all of a sudden loved the smell of Tesco bees wax polish, so yummy. I even polished the house just so I could smell it. (i never polish).
I wasn't sleeping very well at night, waking up in the middle of the night really hungry, so i would sneak down stairs and have a biccie.
Going to the toilet in the middle of the night too.
I would also wake very early, about 4.30pm ish and not go back to sleep.
I would get lots of Cramps around the time implantation would happen, in fact it happened twice, wonder if it's twins?
My boobs didn't really get sore until my period was due!
My nails grow really really strong over night.
I have lost 1.5 stone in the last three months so I have a very flat stomach, however my womb just popped out at about DPO7, it was very strange. My womb shape was/is like a pear drop.
I all of a sudden loved the smell of Tesco bees wax polish, so yummy. I even polished the house just so I could smell it. (i never polish).
I wasn't sleeping very well at night, waking up in the middle of the night really hungry, so i would sneak down stairs and have a biccie.
Going to the toilet in the middle of the night too.
I would also wake very early, about 4.30pm ish and not go back to sleep.
I would get lots of Cramps around the time implantation would happen, in fact it happened twice, wonder if it's twins?
My boobs didn't really get sore until my period was due!
Monday, 9 July 2012
Time to start writing this book and I feel it is going to be a very hard nien months with three children under 4 and part time work.
Thought this was going to happen in Feb but it didn't hold and for good reason, as I was so poorly with chicken pox. However we have it now, so I am not complaining.
It is amazing how obsessed you can get about having a baby whether it is your 1st or 4th!!!
Saturday, 7 July 2012
Is there or isn't there?
Looking good, but I am still very nervous.
Thursday, 5 July 2012
Food Aversions
Now, I just love Sainsbury's Doughnut's, they are the best. However had one yesterday with a steaming hot cup of tea. I spat it out, it tastes horrible.
I don't want to get my hopes up, and feel like I am imagining all of these early pregnancy symptoms. Let's cross my fingers and toes.
I don't want to get my hopes up, and feel like I am imagining all of these early pregnancy symptoms. Let's cross my fingers and toes.
Vivid Dreams at early pregnancy!!
at 8DPO I dreamt about 2 very strong pink lines!!!
I am also constantly having vivid dreams which I do not usually have. I also dreamt a week ago that my best friend Sarah saw me in September 2012 at my children's baptisms in the future and said she was three month pregnant. I so wish this was true.
I am also constantly having vivid dreams which I do not usually have. I also dreamt a week ago that my best friend Sarah saw me in September 2012 at my children's baptisms in the future and said she was three month pregnant. I so wish this was true.
Sunday, 1 July 2012
Ovulation June/July 2012
1DPO - Tighting in my womb felt really strange, cramping all day!
2DPO - Ovulation pain all day, pressure down below
3DPO - Ovulation pain all day, had to take pain killers, not sleeping very week. Awake really early. getting up in the night to pee and hungry, getting tingling in boobs but nothing major
4DPO - Ovulation pain all day, had to take pain killers, not sleeping very week. Awake really early. getting up in the night to pee and hungry, very tired
5DPO - Brown Pigmentation on face. but nothing else, nails strong
6DPO -
7DPO - I think the egg has implanted because i was in a lot of pain and cramps. got a bit dazy.
8DPO - Strong smell, petrol and bleech. So so tired Not sure my coffee taste right or the smell of my perfume.
9DPO -
10DPO -
This 2 week wait is driving me crazy!!!!!
Oh my goodness, talk about obsession, I cannot stop thinking about it. Arrgghhh
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Ovulation Delay
I have been so poorly this week it is actually affecting my usual Ovulation which is about CD14. It could be because I have the flu or it could be the Angus Catex that I am taking.
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
Situation Update
We have had a terrible month, financial worries and Hubby poorly. Think he is poorly because he is worrying about financials problems.
When I announced that I was thinking of going back to work part-time in the evenings to get some money in his face light up!!!
Looks like I may get baby no4 after all, but not without a lot of hard work from me to keep the kids and house in order and get a job bringing in some money!
I can imagine I will need to be doing a job for at least 6 months to know if I can stick to it while pregnant and looking after the kids and house!!! Boy this really does sound tough. I would do anything to get another baby!!!
One bonus though would be getting Maternity pay!!!
When I announced that I was thinking of going back to work part-time in the evenings to get some money in his face light up!!!
Looks like I may get baby no4 after all, but not without a lot of hard work from me to keep the kids and house in order and get a job bringing in some money!
I can imagine I will need to be doing a job for at least 6 months to know if I can stick to it while pregnant and looking after the kids and house!!! Boy this really does sound tough. I would do anything to get another baby!!!
One bonus though would be getting Maternity pay!!!
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
OK, not sure how to deal with this, do not want to hope that he will change his mind. Panic in the house. Baby No4 is no more!!!
Thursday, 1 March 2012
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
I said when we started this journey a few weeks ago that I would try and enjoy it. I am really not sure how? I think after speaking to a few people that it is quite a stressful journey.
To be continued, kids screaming for me....................
To be continued, kids screaming for me....................
Monday, 27 February 2012
Period arrived, rather sad, but hay onto the next month. Caroline thank you for preparing me, it is horrible when your convinced that it will happen!!!
Try and manage next month better.
Try and manage next month better.
Sunday, 26 February 2012
OK, worry over for today, after the very large temp dip I was very very worried, it actually made me feel sick and depressed. However this morning my temp has gone up, not to as high as I would have like but non the less it has risen. Do not really want to test today because it will be a squinter, want to leave it for tomorrow. I also need to buy some pregnancy tests but they are so expensive.
I can imagine that if this is baby no. 4 it will not get all the special treatments like all the other babies got, like extra £100 scans at 18 weeks to find out the sex and expensive digital pregnancy tests. We just cannot afford it this time round.
I can imagine that if this is baby no. 4 it will not get all the special treatments like all the other babies got, like extra £100 scans at 18 weeks to find out the sex and expensive digital pregnancy tests. We just cannot afford it this time round.
My Milky Filter Coffee
Now there is one thing that gets me through the day, well get's me started in the mornings and that is my amazing Filter coffee. It has to be done a special way, 5 scoops, yes 5 scoops of filter coffee, strength of 5 or even 6. yes extremely strong. This has to be added to half a cup of hot milk with 2 sugar's. Sometimes I even rock the boat and have 2 cups.
If my hubby doesn't get this done within 10 minutes of me getting up I can be just horrible.
Now, for the last three mornings the smell of coffee has be fine but gradually the taste of it has been horrible. I have persevered thinking I am imagining it but this morning I cannot even drink it.
If my hubby doesn't get this done within 10 minutes of me getting up I can be just horrible.
Now, for the last three mornings the smell of coffee has be fine but gradually the taste of it has been horrible. I have persevered thinking I am imagining it but this morning I cannot even drink it.
Saturday, 25 February 2012
Implantation Dip or Period Due?
Gosh, I feel really sick with worry, so convinced that I was pregnant I have had a really low temp. Dip. This could mean only 2 things, 1. Period is due today or, 2. Implantation dip. I was really worried I actually wanted to go back to bed. No sign of my period so fingers crossed that is doesn't arrive and my tenmps. go back up.
Period based on my last cycle of 24 days is due today, however based on my ovulation date I have another 4 days to go.
Things are looking up but I must not get complacent. Hubby Ben says I am definably pregnant I have turned into the wicked Witch. Still losing weight about lbs a day. No hungry and feel sickly all the time.
Only time will tell. My temps are high but I have not seen an implantation dip yet!
Things are looking up but I must not get complacent. Hubby Ben says I am definably pregnant I have turned into the wicked Witch. Still losing weight about lbs a day. No hungry and feel sickly all the time.
Only time will tell. My temps are high but I have not seen an implantation dip yet!
Thursday, 23 February 2012
The horrible, irritated, irrational woman is back!!! My poor Husband and children.
Girl Talk Blog:
"So pregnancy is supposed to be the most exciting time of your life, right? Yet, you are going bonkers. The train is late, the new office chair you ordered won’t be delivered on time, you just ran out of cereal and the deli is closed. This is so cataclysmic that you are seriously considering throwing yourself off a bridge here and now, because how can you possibly bring a child into such an inefficient world?! And furthermore, how will you even cope with a baby, when your husband has to physically restrain you from assaulting the clerk at Gap because they just ran out of your size in maternity jeans?
Some women sail through their pregnancies with nary a misfiring neuron, but if you have ever felt the churning anger that splashes the backs of your eyes and temporarily blinds you, or the black futility of depression, where the mere thought of rising from your bed fills you with horror, then you know what it feels like to be hormonal".
Click here to read more:
Girl Talk Blog:
"So pregnancy is supposed to be the most exciting time of your life, right? Yet, you are going bonkers. The train is late, the new office chair you ordered won’t be delivered on time, you just ran out of cereal and the deli is closed. This is so cataclysmic that you are seriously considering throwing yourself off a bridge here and now, because how can you possibly bring a child into such an inefficient world?! And furthermore, how will you even cope with a baby, when your husband has to physically restrain you from assaulting the clerk at Gap because they just ran out of your size in maternity jeans?
Some women sail through their pregnancies with nary a misfiring neuron, but if you have ever felt the churning anger that splashes the backs of your eyes and temporarily blinds you, or the black futility of depression, where the mere thought of rising from your bed fills you with horror, then you know what it feels like to be hormonal".
Click here to read more:
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
Thought of the Day
Oh no, I must be bonkers, mad, insane, not with it. I am asking myself, "why do I want another child", do I not have enough on my plate as it is. I am tired everyday, all day. No sleep in the evenings, no bed in fact to myself. Thom and Jesi seem to be piling in our bed every night at the moment. I have just ran myself a nice hot bath but Wilson has woke from his day time sleep.
It get's worst, by the way I promise to write about great days I have had and what a joy it is to have lots of children, because it is just the most amazing thing to watch them nurture and grow.
Oh and my hubby Ben had just got rid of that hormonal person who live in the house growing babes, why would he want her back!!!!
I already feel like my hormones are going crazy again!!
I can only put it down to mother nature calling and I have very strong urge to have a child plus that fact that I just adore babies, children cannot comment of older children or teenagers yet maybe that is another book entirely.
At the moment, Wilson is wingy crying for attention, Thomas is badly constipated toddling around the house trying not to let the big large sleeping poo out. And Jesi well she is complaining about noise and saying it hurts her ears. So today not a good day but these re far and few between. So please do not be put off. I want this book to be as honest as an honest person can be. yes People who know me say I am way to honest, even for my own good.
Can you imagine 4 children under 4, does that not equals madness? Will people look at me with disgust, some people already walk past me saying "gosh you poor thing, you have got your hands full", ummm what will they say when they see 4. Oh my goodness, What if it is more than one baby what then, run away!!!
It get's worst, by the way I promise to write about great days I have had and what a joy it is to have lots of children, because it is just the most amazing thing to watch them nurture and grow.
Oh and my hubby Ben had just got rid of that hormonal person who live in the house growing babes, why would he want her back!!!!
I already feel like my hormones are going crazy again!!
I can only put it down to mother nature calling and I have very strong urge to have a child plus that fact that I just adore babies, children cannot comment of older children or teenagers yet maybe that is another book entirely.
At the moment, Wilson is wingy crying for attention, Thomas is badly constipated toddling around the house trying not to let the big large sleeping poo out. And Jesi well she is complaining about noise and saying it hurts her ears. So today not a good day but these re far and few between. So please do not be put off. I want this book to be as honest as an honest person can be. yes People who know me say I am way to honest, even for my own good.
Can you imagine 4 children under 4, does that not equals madness? Will people look at me with disgust, some people already walk past me saying "gosh you poor thing, you have got your hands full", ummm what will they say when they see 4. Oh my goodness, What if it is more than one baby what then, run away!!!
Freaked out
Ok Daddy Ben said goodbye good bye to everyone and then said goodbye to my belly......aarrgghhhhhh
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Early Pregnancy Symtpons
According to the following website called 2 week wait "" you can have signs as early as conception, now for some people they really are not that bothered. However, for people like me, and I am rather an obsessive person, this is really important. Now I maybe being rather premature here starting my own early pregnancy symptoms but here goes.
DPO means day after ovulation this is called the Luteal Phase and in general this should be 10 - 14 days, ideally 14 days. People with a phase shorter than 10 days may not be able to support the implanting egg.
1DPO - Tighting in my womb felt really strange, cramping all day!
2DPO - Veins come up on boobs, bleeding gums
3DPO - Really Sick, travelling in car and it was bad, My perfume smells horrible, Very low dip in temps on chart, could this account for feeling really sick. Sore throat & runny nose
4DPO - Really Sick, thought I was going to puck, bit shaky, My perfume smells horrible. Sore throat & runny nose
5DPO - Brown Pigmentation on face (got this with all pregnancies)Sicky feeling in the morning but nothing else, lost 4lbs in 3 days. Sore throat & runny nose
6DPO - Brown Pigmentation on face. Coffee smelt weird today, rather sicky feeling in the bottom of my belly. Feel really hot. Veins on boobs, getting tingling in boobs but nothing major. Sore throat & runny nose, Dizzy, sickness, gone off food totally. **Milk leaking from boobes**
7DPO - My lovely morning coffee taste horrible so upset!!! I am so irritated aarrgghhhhh. cramps. Temps high. Lost more weight. Very sore boobies.
8DPO - Brown Pigmentation on face, Dizzy, Runny bum lol, sicky feeling, not hungry. Cramps last night
9DPO - Not much really not hungry, strong sense of smell and really snappy and grumpy. Period due today and not arrived.
10DPO - Just horrible I feel depressed, sad, tearful grumpy. Gone of my coffee and feel a bit sicky.
Research suggests that is takes about 5 - 7 days to travel down from the ovaries into the womb for implantation. In my previous pregnancy this kinda happens about DPO10 and this is why a pregnancy test can show as a positive BFP!!
DPO means day after ovulation this is called the Luteal Phase and in general this should be 10 - 14 days, ideally 14 days. People with a phase shorter than 10 days may not be able to support the implanting egg.
1DPO - Tighting in my womb felt really strange, cramping all day!
2DPO - Veins come up on boobs, bleeding gums
3DPO - Really Sick, travelling in car and it was bad, My perfume smells horrible, Very low dip in temps on chart, could this account for feeling really sick. Sore throat & runny nose
4DPO - Really Sick, thought I was going to puck, bit shaky, My perfume smells horrible. Sore throat & runny nose
5DPO - Brown Pigmentation on face (got this with all pregnancies)Sicky feeling in the morning but nothing else, lost 4lbs in 3 days. Sore throat & runny nose
6DPO - Brown Pigmentation on face. Coffee smelt weird today, rather sicky feeling in the bottom of my belly. Feel really hot. Veins on boobs, getting tingling in boobs but nothing major. Sore throat & runny nose, Dizzy, sickness, gone off food totally. **Milk leaking from boobes**
7DPO - My lovely morning coffee taste horrible so upset!!! I am so irritated aarrgghhhhh. cramps. Temps high. Lost more weight. Very sore boobies.
8DPO - Brown Pigmentation on face, Dizzy, Runny bum lol, sicky feeling, not hungry. Cramps last night
9DPO - Not much really not hungry, strong sense of smell and really snappy and grumpy. Period due today and not arrived.
10DPO - Just horrible I feel depressed, sad, tearful grumpy. Gone of my coffee and feel a bit sicky.
Research suggests that is takes about 5 - 7 days to travel down from the ovaries into the womb for implantation. In my previous pregnancy this kinda happens about DPO10 and this is why a pregnancy test can show as a positive BFP!!
Wilson's Pregnancy Chart
This was my pregnancy Chart with Wilson
Purple is Wilson
Turquoise is this month
Green is no pregnant month
This was also my pregnancy Test - Blue and OPK - Green test on day 10 of Wilson's pregnancy. They say that when your pregnant you will also get a very very strong positive on an OPK too. You can hardly see the line on the pregnancy one it is so so so faint.
Purple is Wilson
Turquoise is this month
Green is no pregnant month
This was also my pregnancy Test - Blue and OPK - Green test on day 10 of Wilson's pregnancy. They say that when your pregnant you will also get a very very strong positive on an OPK too. You can hardly see the line on the pregnancy one it is so so so faint.
My Fertility Friend Chart
This is my chart this month. It does indeed look as though I have ovulated on day 15, lets just hope my temps stay up which will mean that I could be pregnant. They do need to stay high past 28 days. One good sign to look out for is an implantation dip around day 10 but this could also be a sign of my period coming as my cycle last month was only 25 days. Who can tell.
Ok this morning (Wednesday my temps. has gone up again, this does look promising but my sleep pattern is all over the place and i wonder if it is giving me false high temps.
If I compare to Wilson's pregnancy it definalty suggests that I am indeed pregnant as the non pregnant month temps were lower. This is driving me crazy. I have got at least another 8 days really before I will know. Not sure I can put myself through the stress of testing on day 10 when the egg implants like I did with Wilson. As you can tell from the pregnancy tests you could hardly see a line, you really had to look.
This baby making journey I find the most stressful in all my life, not really enjoying fourth time round. I know what to expect and it does make you go mental.
I am hoping that I will count my lucky stars and even god that it will happen quickly and not like Thomas (2 years). It's funny I really wanted to put some sense of humour into this book, but this part doesn't seem very ideal to start being funny, well I don't feel very funny.
My Ovulation Chart
Monday, 20 February 2012
Such bad car Sickness
Oh y goodness, we went on a family trip yesterday to the beach and my car sickness was so so so bad. Really I wanted Ben to stop the car. I do get car sick on occasions but never this bad. Surely, can I be? My FF Chart yesterday took of my cross hairs because I had such a low temp. but this morning I had a high temp and it put them back again. Saying that I ovulated day after Valentines day! Well this morning I feel so so so sick, thought it might be the 400mg of Vit. B6 because of my short Luteal Phase last month but I took them yesterday and wasn't sick. Oh goodness me, this is driving me crazy, was out last night I someone said you look really tired are you ok? Ummm I am exhausted, I know the kids have been in my (sorry our) bed all night all week but that has never made me this tired?
Ok, only time will tell and hopefully we should find out about Sunday, if not about Tuesday. Wish me luck. Someone did say to me that a life changing thing would happen on the 17th Feb!
Ok, only time will tell and hopefully we should find out about Sunday, if not about Tuesday. Wish me luck. Someone did say to me that a life changing thing would happen on the 17th Feb!
Saturday, 18 February 2012
Kellie Wellie.
Hi my Beautiful Friend, I hope this blog find you well. Please do not be too shocked it might not happen for a while. message me and tell me what you think? Love you so much Hun big hugs. xxx
Jools Oliver pregnant with her fourth Child.
So excited I didnt realized Jools was expecting her fourth.
Short Luteal Phase
Came across this very informative and helpful blog site.
Friday, 17 February 2012
Ovulation & Luteal Phase
OK, this morning how excited am I, yippee my temperature is still raising which could mean only one thing, I have ovulated. So I rush down stair after taking my temperature 36.6 and turn the PC on to into the data into FF. And just as I though it gives me Cross Hairs meaning I ovulated the day after valentines day. Great this is potential great news, however this also make my Luteal Phase only 10 days if I base it on my cycle last month which was only 24 days. You cannot hold a pregnancy on a phase less than 14 days. How sad do I feel. Well miracles can happen but this is exactly what happened the month before I got pregnant with Wilson. OK only time will tell I will continue to take my temperature and see if my period arrives next Saturday.
Sunday morning, entered my temp. and FF has taken Ovulation away. My chart looks as though I am not ovulating. I am so worried that the Depo injection only for 3 months has messed with my cycles. It may take up to 2 years to get back to normal. I am so sad.
Sunday morning, entered my temp. and FF has taken Ovulation away. My chart looks as though I am not ovulating. I am so worried that the Depo injection only for 3 months has messed with my cycles. It may take up to 2 years to get back to normal. I am so sad.
Book Content Plan
Introduction to my Family
Getting Pregnant for the fourth Time
The first Trimester
The second Trimester
The third Trimester
Get Organised *****
Labour & Delivery
Breastfeeding or bottle
Newborn & Toddlers first 6 months
Relationship with Husband
Relationships with other Mums
About Me; Mid-life Crisis, Identity Crisis, Giving up a Promising Career
Resources: Books, Blogs and Websites
Introduction to my Family
Getting Pregnant for the fourth Time
The first Trimester
The second Trimester
The third Trimester
Get Organised *****
Labour & Delivery
Breastfeeding or bottle
Newborn & Toddlers first 6 months
Relationship with Husband
Relationships with other Mums
About Me; Mid-life Crisis, Identity Crisis, Giving up a Promising Career
Resources: Books, Blogs and Websites
Inspiration - Jools Oliver Book Minus Nine to One
This is the book I read when I was pregnant for the first time, it is an amazing and honest book about the nine months of pregnancy! But when it come to my second and third pregnancy I couldn't found any such book.
Worst Things about Being Pregnant by Acquired Taste
Top 10 Things Every Pregnant Woman Should Knowby Paula Ford-Martin
Top 10 Things Every Pregnant Woman Should Knowby Paula Ford-Martin
Here are 10 things that every pregnant woman should know:
1. Morning sickness doesn't just happen in the morning.
2. Trust your instincts — what worked for your neighbor, friend, or sister isn't necessarily what's right for you.
3. A birth plan can help you and your partner work toward the labor and delivery experience you want.
4. Things don't always go according to plan, but being prepared for the possibilities can make the detours easier to handle.
5. Taking 400 micrograms of folic acid before and in early pregnancy can dramatically reduce your risk of having a baby with neural tube defects.
6. A due date is a suggestion, not a contractual obligation.
7. Career and family are not mutually exclusive.
8. Federal legislation provides specific protections against pregnancy discrimination in the workplace.
9. Alcohol and tobacco in any amount in pregnancy can have serious health repercussions for your baby.
10. Stress can be hard on the health of you and your baby; make sure you have a support system for both pregnancy and new motherhood.
Here are 10 things that every pregnant woman should know:
1. Morning sickness doesn't just happen in the morning.
2. Trust your instincts — what worked for your neighbor, friend, or sister isn't necessarily what's right for you.
3. A birth plan can help you and your partner work toward the labor and delivery experience you want.
4. Things don't always go according to plan, but being prepared for the possibilities can make the detours easier to handle.
5. Taking 400 micrograms of folic acid before and in early pregnancy can dramatically reduce your risk of having a baby with neural tube defects.
6. A due date is a suggestion, not a contractual obligation.
7. Career and family are not mutually exclusive.
8. Federal legislation provides specific protections against pregnancy discrimination in the workplace.
9. Alcohol and tobacco in any amount in pregnancy can have serious health repercussions for your baby.
10. Stress can be hard on the health of you and your baby; make sure you have a support system for both pregnancy and new motherhood.
I will elaborate on this in the next nine months and add my personal experience on each of these subjects.
Diary Entry - Friday 17th Feb 2012
Feeling really good at the moment, life seems surprisingly easy with three toddlers running around. Admittedly this week has been a complete nightmare as it is indeed half term (nothing is ever on) and the children seem rather under the weather. Thomas had Slap Cheek but didn't seem bother by it at all. He was still running around the house like a headless chicken all day! Valentines day has come and go for another year, we celebrated it twice, once on the Saturday before and then on the actual day. And, shockingly, we managed to get some adult time in. Three course meal and afters if you know what I mean. This is the reason why this whole book has come about. The last thing I expected was my husband not to use protection, therefore giving me hope of another child yes a 4th Child that is assuming I fall pregnant with only one child.
I am not sure whether I am fertile, whether I am ovulating I will not know for another week or so, such along wait. It is doing my head in, I have only been charting for 2 months this time and I have no evidence of previous ovulation. I did go on the awful depo injection for three months back in the summer as I was convinced Ben would not let me have any more children secretly I didn't even think I could manage with the three I have let alone a fourth.
I did find myself eating Chinese noodles at 9am the other day. I was also put off my eating mushroom on Valentines day in the Buttered curry I had made. Umm interesting am I. However my fertility Friend Chart doesn't show ovulation. AArrgghhh my head is totally mess up. I should start a chart and write down all my symptoms just in case I am in fact very pregnant this month. That would be just amazing wouldn't it!
I am not sure whether I am fertile, whether I am ovulating I will not know for another week or so, such along wait. It is doing my head in, I have only been charting for 2 months this time and I have no evidence of previous ovulation. I did go on the awful depo injection for three months back in the summer as I was convinced Ben would not let me have any more children secretly I didn't even think I could manage with the three I have let alone a fourth.
I did find myself eating Chinese noodles at 9am the other day. I was also put off my eating mushroom on Valentines day in the Buttered curry I had made. Umm interesting am I. However my fertility Friend Chart doesn't show ovulation. AArrgghhh my head is totally mess up. I should start a chart and write down all my symptoms just in case I am in fact very pregnant this month. That would be just amazing wouldn't it!
How to write a book.
Book Content & Layout
I am going to need to do a lot of researched on how to layout my book and it's content. Here is my first website I have stumbled upon.
Strangely enough I have a bible and it's layout is perfect. I want a book that provides me with my 9 months journey of the pregnancy and living with the kids oh and not forgetting my hubby Ben. Also I want part 2 of the book to be about certain aspects and issues you as a parent face with your little one(s) and with the pregnancy.
Part 3 will be a reference guide in the back of the book which will point you to different areas of the book which discuss things you want to look up, for example: What happens when your children are ill with a virus or chick-pox will it affect your pregnancy.
Strangely enough I have a bible and it's layout is perfect. I want a book that provides me with my 9 months journey of the pregnancy and living with the kids oh and not forgetting my hubby Ben. Also I want part 2 of the book to be about certain aspects and issues you as a parent face with your little one(s) and with the pregnancy.
Part 3 will be a reference guide in the back of the book which will point you to different areas of the book which discuss things you want to look up, for example: What happens when your children are ill with a virus or chick-pox will it affect your pregnancy.
Poorly Children
Sometimes it is really hard to know whether your child is poorly or just playing up. Toddlers do after all require your attention all the time, winge, moan and cry and you do not know why. I always find that after I have had a week of grizzly children they come out in a rash or become ill. Then I realise they have been ill all week but just didn't register in my allready overloaded baby brain not realise. Toddlers will be running around all day long even when they are ill.
Thursday, 16 February 2012
Discussions with Hubby Ben about another child.
Ok, truthfully my husband says to me I was lucky to get Wilson (he was a bonus). Shall I be honest and frank, my husband is eaiserly swayed, not sure if this is because deep down in his heart he really does want lots of children or I starve him of affection so when he does get it and I said no to raincoats he cannot resist. We do have discussion and say, if money was not an issue we would have a football team. We adore our children we just do not adore the sleepless night we have experience over the last four years
Friday - Fertility Friend
Getting very excited. I wake up every morning and I take my temperature as I am charting to see when I ovulate. I did this with Wilson. Very stressful and obsessive. This really is not good for someone like me, who is quite an obsessive person anyway, I am trying to tell myself to enjoy this stressful part of the journey as it will be my last.
I use Fertility Friend which is great, you do have to pay for it. but it is worth it if it is your sort of thing. I will go into how the website works at a later date but if I am correct I may be ovulating right at this moment or may have already on day 11, I am unsure as I only started to temp half way through.
I use Fertility Friend which is great, you do have to pay for it. but it is worth it if it is your sort of thing. I will go into how the website works at a later date but if I am correct I may be ovulating right at this moment or may have already on day 11, I am unsure as I only started to temp half way through.
The Book Itself
Now as any busy yummy mummy knows, life with children whether one, two three or even more years will know we never have any time to ourselves and the onlty way I could figure out how to write a book was to do it by writing regularly along the 9 months. My husband Ben came up with an excellent idea by writing in a blog. By doing it like this I could write hopefully at least 2-3 times a week and by the end of the journey I will have all the material I need for the book. Good in theory I wonder how it will work in practice. Well this is my first few pages right here.
The beginnings of my new Yummy Pregnant Mummy and Beautiful Children Book
I have always wanted to write a book, I just never thought it would be about children especially my our own children. I cannot tell you how excited I am and how this opportunity has arisen for me to start doing so!
My plan is to write this book over a period of well about nine months. Yes you may have guessed it, the book is about a pregnancy. That is if I can get pregnant for the 4th time. Now if in the future I am successful in writing and actually publishing this book you will come across this book because you will be in a similar situation and want to read about what the future holds for you. I unforetunalty didn't have to resource available to me. and this is way |I am writing. I want to provide a very honest and vivid account of what life is and will be like for you when you reach this point in your life. Pregnant with babies, toddler or older children in toe!
I want to write about my journey into my 4th pregnancy and what it will be like to have three children under 4 too to look after. From deciding to have another child, pregnancy and how I as the mummy and the children oh and not forgetting my hubby will cope along the way!
My plan is to write this book over a period of well about nine months. Yes you may have guessed it, the book is about a pregnancy. That is if I can get pregnant for the 4th time. Now if in the future I am successful in writing and actually publishing this book you will come across this book because you will be in a similar situation and want to read about what the future holds for you. I unforetunalty didn't have to resource available to me. and this is way |I am writing. I want to provide a very honest and vivid account of what life is and will be like for you when you reach this point in your life. Pregnant with babies, toddler or older children in toe!
I want to write about my journey into my 4th pregnancy and what it will be like to have three children under 4 too to look after. From deciding to have another child, pregnancy and how I as the mummy and the children oh and not forgetting my hubby will cope along the way!
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