I knew I was pregnant very early in fact after ovulation because of the following and that I am extremely in tune with my body!!
My nails grow really really strong over night.
I have lost 1.5 stone in the last three months so I have a very flat stomach, however my womb just popped out at about DPO7, it was very strange. My womb shape was/is like a pear drop.
I all of a sudden loved the smell of Tesco bees wax polish, so yummy. I even polished the house just so I could smell it. (i never polish).
I wasn't sleeping very well at night, waking up in the middle of the night really hungry, so i would sneak down stairs and have a biccie.
Going to the toilet in the middle of the night too.
I would also wake very early, about 4.30pm ish and not go back to sleep.
I would get lots of Cramps around the time implantation would happen, in fact it happened twice, wonder if it's twins?
My boobs didn't really get sore until my period was due!
About Me

- Families and Happiness
- Well, where do I start? I could start at many stages in my life; all very exciting and adventurous in some sort of way. Probably best to start when I met my husband 10 years ago, as this was the turning point in my very emotional and dramatic life. Met Ben through work, we had a wonderful life together, very ambitious, career driven until we decided to started a family 4 years later. The fertility Journey did take 2 years to conceive but we got there eventually and conceived little Thomas, now for someone like me who has no patience what so ever this was a agonizing and stressful wait but well worth it. We moved from our home town Bournemouth to Ipswich with Ben's work, I gave up my careern and then married in Cumbria in 2009. We continued to have 2 more children very easily compared to Thomas, Jesiica and Baby Wilson.
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