According to the following website called 2 week wait "" you can have signs as early as conception, now for some people they really are not that bothered. However, for people like me, and I am rather an obsessive person, this is really important. Now I maybe being rather premature here starting my own early pregnancy symptoms but here goes.
DPO means day after ovulation this is called the Luteal Phase and in general this should be 10 - 14 days, ideally 14 days. People with a phase shorter than 10 days may not be able to support the implanting egg.
1DPO - Tighting in my womb felt really strange, cramping all day!
2DPO - Veins come up on boobs, bleeding gums
3DPO - Really Sick, travelling in car and it was bad, My perfume smells horrible, Very low dip in temps on chart, could this account for feeling really sick. Sore throat & runny nose
4DPO - Really Sick, thought I was going to puck, bit shaky, My perfume smells horrible. Sore throat & runny nose
5DPO - Brown Pigmentation on face (got this with all pregnancies)Sicky feeling in the morning but nothing else, lost 4lbs in 3 days. Sore throat & runny nose
6DPO - Brown Pigmentation on face. Coffee smelt weird today, rather sicky feeling in the bottom of my belly. Feel really hot. Veins on boobs, getting tingling in boobs but nothing major. Sore throat & runny nose, Dizzy, sickness, gone off food totally. **Milk leaking from boobes**
7DPO - My lovely morning coffee taste horrible so upset!!! I am so irritated aarrgghhhhh. cramps. Temps high. Lost more weight. Very sore boobies.
8DPO - Brown Pigmentation on face, Dizzy, Runny bum lol, sicky feeling, not hungry. Cramps last night
9DPO - Not much really not hungry, strong sense of smell and really snappy and grumpy. Period due today and not arrived.
10DPO - Just horrible I feel depressed, sad, tearful grumpy. Gone of my coffee and feel a bit sicky.
Research suggests that is takes about 5 - 7 days to travel down from the ovaries into the womb for implantation. In my previous pregnancy this kinda happens about DPO10 and this is why a pregnancy test can show as a positive BFP!!
About Me

- Families and Happiness
- Well, where do I start? I could start at many stages in my life; all very exciting and adventurous in some sort of way. Probably best to start when I met my husband 10 years ago, as this was the turning point in my very emotional and dramatic life. Met Ben through work, we had a wonderful life together, very ambitious, career driven until we decided to started a family 4 years later. The fertility Journey did take 2 years to conceive but we got there eventually and conceived little Thomas, now for someone like me who has no patience what so ever this was a agonizing and stressful wait but well worth it. We moved from our home town Bournemouth to Ipswich with Ben's work, I gave up my careern and then married in Cumbria in 2009. We continued to have 2 more children very easily compared to Thomas, Jesiica and Baby Wilson.
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