About Me

- Families and Happiness
- Well, where do I start? I could start at many stages in my life; all very exciting and adventurous in some sort of way. Probably best to start when I met my husband 10 years ago, as this was the turning point in my very emotional and dramatic life. Met Ben through work, we had a wonderful life together, very ambitious, career driven until we decided to started a family 4 years later. The fertility Journey did take 2 years to conceive but we got there eventually and conceived little Thomas, now for someone like me who has no patience what so ever this was a agonizing and stressful wait but well worth it. We moved from our home town Bournemouth to Ipswich with Ben's work, I gave up my careern and then married in Cumbria in 2009. We continued to have 2 more children very easily compared to Thomas, Jesiica and Baby Wilson.
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
Sunday, 29 July 2012
Wanted - Pregnancy Partner
Come on girls hurry up and get pregnant I really want a Peggas Companion. Really don't want to do my last alone!
I thought I had gotten away it!!! Week 7 and it has arrived! I do not feel like eating anything!
Friday, 27 July 2012
I do beilive in God but didn't pray for Twins Just a healthy Pregnancy
I believe that God gives twinsI believe that God gives twins. I am so happy to read all the responses and in particular, the ones that mention prayer and blessings. I believe that God gives twins even where it is not hereditary and I look forward to the day it will happen to me too.—Guest Joy
Wished for twinsI'm 31, planned for a second pregnancy. I prayed to God for twins...and got them. Expecting soon!—Guest Ethy
I just feel very nervous that I feel very different to all my 3 pregnancies, almost paranoid that I have twins in my belly. Look I feel silly, I am sure it is just one and that the fact that I am a Identical Twin, My father was a non Identecail Twin and my mothers father was a twin has nothing to do with it, or does it?
I really would not cope with more than another one so I really do not think I would ask God for 2 unless he wanted me to have 2!!!!!
How to conceive twins!!!
CLOMID - This is the one surefire way to up your chance of twins, but you do need a doctor's prescription for it. You should NEVER buy Clomid online or use another person's Clomid, you need to be monitored by a doctor while you use it because serious, life threatening side effects may occur. (Clomid does sway pink)
GENETICS - Some of us just have a genetic tendency to hyperovulate and pop out more than one egg per month. If your mother, sister, aunts, or grandmother has fraternal twins, that means you just naturally have a greater chance of twins.
PREVIOUS PREGNANCY - The more times you've been pregnant, the higher your chances of twins!
PREVIOUS MULTIPLE PREGNANCY - If you've conceived multiples before, you're more likely to do so again.
AGE - After age 35 the rate of twins begins to rise. Women over 45 have 17% chance of twins, but of course it's extremely difficult to get pregnant at that age for most of us. Realistically, between ages 35-40 are your best shot for actually conceiving twins.
PHYSICAL SIZE - Tall women and those with a BMI over 30 are more likely to conceive twins.
DIET - Being well-nourished and even slightly overweight ups your chances of twins. Also, diets high in beef and dairy products may increase the odds of twins due to hormones present in cattle.
SOY - Taking soy isoflavones, 200 mg from CD 3-7, total of 5 days, may help to sway for twins. It acts as a natural Clomid. (may sway blue, because it does increase CM, but if you take antihistamines to dry up your CM you may get the benefits from the soy of releasing more than one egg, you may still be able to incorporate soy into a pink sway as well as a blue one.)
VITEX - Vitex from AF-O may sway for twins. (sways pink) However, some researchers believe that it may actually PREVENT twins. (I did conceive twins while taking vitex so I happen to know that isn't the case in all circumstances.)
FOLIC ACID - Scientists used to believe there was a link between Folic Acid intake in the three months prior to conception and twinning. Now it is believed that high Folic Acid intake simply helps twin pregnancies to both successfullly survive and thrive. Most twin conceptions are lost very early in pregnancy and by having ample Folic Acid in our bodies, we help our twins to both survive.
BREASTFEEDING - Getting pregnant while breastfeeding increases your odds of twins.
BIRTH CONTROL PILLS - Getting pregnant on the Pill increases your odds of twins, but no one should go onto the birth control pill for this reason. Getting pregnant on the pill may not be safe for your babies. But, if you get pregnant your first month off the Pill, you may still be more likely to conceive twins that month.
WILD YAM - Much has been made of this supplement because Africans who eat a lot of yams have more twins. I have read that the "wild yam" that is sold in supplements are not the same yams at all (and in fact may act as a birth control pill reducing your chances of twins!!). The yams at the grocery store aren't the same either. So eat a lot of yams if you like them, but this may not be effective.
GENETICS - Some of us just have a genetic tendency to hyperovulate and pop out more than one egg per month. If your mother, sister, aunts, or grandmother has fraternal twins, that means you just naturally have a greater chance of twins.
PREVIOUS PREGNANCY - The more times you've been pregnant, the higher your chances of twins!
PREVIOUS MULTIPLE PREGNANCY - If you've conceived multiples before, you're more likely to do so again.
AGE - After age 35 the rate of twins begins to rise. Women over 45 have 17% chance of twins, but of course it's extremely difficult to get pregnant at that age for most of us. Realistically, between ages 35-40 are your best shot for actually conceiving twins.
PHYSICAL SIZE - Tall women and those with a BMI over 30 are more likely to conceive twins.
DIET - Being well-nourished and even slightly overweight ups your chances of twins. Also, diets high in beef and dairy products may increase the odds of twins due to hormones present in cattle.
SOY - Taking soy isoflavones, 200 mg from CD 3-7, total of 5 days, may help to sway for twins. It acts as a natural Clomid. (may sway blue, because it does increase CM, but if you take antihistamines to dry up your CM you may get the benefits from the soy of releasing more than one egg, you may still be able to incorporate soy into a pink sway as well as a blue one.)
VITEX - Vitex from AF-O may sway for twins. (sways pink) However, some researchers believe that it may actually PREVENT twins. (I did conceive twins while taking vitex so I happen to know that isn't the case in all circumstances.)
FOLIC ACID - Scientists used to believe there was a link between Folic Acid intake in the three months prior to conception and twinning. Now it is believed that high Folic Acid intake simply helps twin pregnancies to both successfullly survive and thrive. Most twin conceptions are lost very early in pregnancy and by having ample Folic Acid in our bodies, we help our twins to both survive.
BREASTFEEDING - Getting pregnant while breastfeeding increases your odds of twins.
BIRTH CONTROL PILLS - Getting pregnant on the Pill increases your odds of twins, but no one should go onto the birth control pill for this reason. Getting pregnant on the pill may not be safe for your babies. But, if you get pregnant your first month off the Pill, you may still be more likely to conceive twins that month.
WILD YAM - Much has been made of this supplement because Africans who eat a lot of yams have more twins. I have read that the "wild yam" that is sold in supplements are not the same yams at all (and in fact may act as a birth control pill reducing your chances of twins!!). The yams at the grocery store aren't the same either. So eat a lot of yams if you like them, but this may not be effective.
Oh my goodness, I am so so so tired. This is really going to be tough. It is Friday I have worked all week (well my three days) I have had the kids, I have also done an event for work one of the evenings and I cannot keep myself awake. It is only 4.30pm and Ben is not due home until about 6.00 ish. And he is going out for the night with a good friend for a few drinks!!! I do wonder if I am only growing one baby I don't remember being this tired! I am not sure where I am going to get the energy and strength to get through the first trimester. Now you can understand why I decided to call the book "nine months covered in kids, it's bad enough doing pregnancy when you don't have kids what about when you do! I am currently;y making myself a very strong filter coffee even though I only limit myself to one a day!
Why do other women resent me for having a fourth child? By LORRAINE CANDY
When Lorraine told friends she was pregnant at 42, she was horrified by the sniping and jealousy it provoked. Why should only women like Posh Spice, Heidi Klum, Jules Oliver and Tana Ramsay, who have the money and lifestyle, be able to have larger families?
When I was younger, I never wanted children. Never fantasised about what my future family may look like as a teenager, or day-dreamed of baby names in quieter moments at work.
It’s not that I didn’t like children, but I could see how much they needed and the younger me wanted other things so much more.
Even when my little sister had a child at 27 the thought of ever having one of my own didn’t cross my mind; motherhood wasn’t the logical conclusion to my life.
Read more:
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
Being Preggas with Todllers
6 weeks Pregnant
See the bigger picture.
How your baby's growing:
This week's major developments: The nose, mouth, and ears that you'll spend so much time kissing in eight months are beginning to take shape. If you could see into your uterus, you'd find an oversize head and dark spots where your baby's eyes and nostrils are starting to form. His emerging ears are marked by small depressions on the sides of the head, and his arms and legs by protruding buds. His heart is beating about 100 to 160 times a minute — almost twice as fast as yours — and blood is beginning to course through his body. His intestines are developing, and the bud of tissue that will give rise to his lungs has appeared. His pituitary gland is forming, as are the rest of his brain, muscles, and bones. Right now, your baby is a quarter of an inch long, about the size of a lentil.
Quick Clicks
Morning sickness: Causes, concerns, treatments
Doctor or midwife: Which is right for you?
Infections that can affect pregnancy
Chart: Over-the-counter medications during pregnancy
When and how to tell your child you're pregnant: Overview
See what's going on in your uterus this week.
Note: Every baby develops a little differently — even in the womb. Our information is designed to give you a general idea of your baby's development.
How your life's changing:
You may find yourself developing a bit of a split personality — feeling moody one day and joyful the next. Unsettling as this is (especially if you pride yourself on being in control), what you're going through is normal. Ricocheting emotions are caused partly by fluctuating hormones. But hormones aside, your life is about to change in a big way — and whowouldn't feel emotional about that?
Sunday, 22 July 2012
When does Morning Sickness Start?
I am 5 weeks and 4 days and wondering if I will suffer morning sickness like I did with the other three. rather cross with myself as I did'nt write in each of their Pregnancy journals when it started. I have nothing to refer back too.
Saturday, 21 July 2012
Another Test Pregnant 3+
I have done another test as I am paranoid that I do not feel pregnant at all. Fortunately I did not write in my Pregnancy Journals for Jesiica and Wilson early on as I must have had my hands full. I have nothing to refer back to. This is the whole reason for writing this blog/book as there is not much research and information on 4th pregnancy's and what to expect.
It seems strange that up until now I totally trusted my body and was sure that I was indeed pregnant, now I have only a few symptoms like tired and full boobs that I don't feel pregnant at all. However I am only into my 6th week and sickness tends to kick in about 7/8 weeks.
As you can imagine I felt very relived that the test came out about right!
Maybe it is not twins and just a singleton after all. I think, if it was twins this test may show me further along, hay hang on a minutes it doesn't show any more than 3 weeks + so I am talking out of my butt!
It seems strange that up until now I totally trusted my body and was sure that I was indeed pregnant, now I have only a few symptoms like tired and full boobs that I don't feel pregnant at all. However I am only into my 6th week and sickness tends to kick in about 7/8 weeks.
As you can imagine I felt very relived that the test came out about right!
Maybe it is not twins and just a singleton after all. I think, if it was twins this test may show me further along, hay hang on a minutes it doesn't show any more than 3 weeks + so I am talking out of my butt!
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
Like the look of this: will have to remember to do it when the baby is born.
Feeling Blue
Gosh where do I start, I feel terrible, not sickness or headaches, I feel really blue. I am so so tired, Jesiica and Wilson had both my husband and I up several times in the night. Not helped by going to bed at 11pm, which for me is very late!
I don't wont to cry I just want to sleep for weeks and weeks and weeks. I said that I would really enjoy this pregnancy and I am only on week 5 it really is dragging!! I have an awful long way to go!
Hormones and lack of sleep are to blame I am sure, but I and angry and cross with myself, I had everything under control 5 weeks ago. The house was nice and calm, the children very happy and not stressed, now, it's all over the place and all because I am pregnant. And yes, I so wanted this last baby so so bad I must have forgotten how bad being pregnant in the first trimester can be and espcally when you have to hold down a job and look after three children under 4!
I am getting very frustrated as I am trying to find a book for mums like me who are pregnant and has have three very little one's running around their ankles, can I find anything, Nooooooooooo.
Well it is a good job I have started to write my own book, I am hoping that I cannot be the only mum out there that wants to read books like this too!
I don't wont to cry I just want to sleep for weeks and weeks and weeks. I said that I would really enjoy this pregnancy and I am only on week 5 it really is dragging!! I have an awful long way to go!
Hormones and lack of sleep are to blame I am sure, but I and angry and cross with myself, I had everything under control 5 weeks ago. The house was nice and calm, the children very happy and not stressed, now, it's all over the place and all because I am pregnant. And yes, I so wanted this last baby so so bad I must have forgotten how bad being pregnant in the first trimester can be and espcally when you have to hold down a job and look after three children under 4!
I am getting very frustrated as I am trying to find a book for mums like me who are pregnant and has have three very little one's running around their ankles, can I find anything, Nooooooooooo.
Well it is a good job I have started to write my own book, I am hoping that I cannot be the only mum out there that wants to read books like this too!
Monday, 16 July 2012
Pregnant with fourth and others still struggling to have their first or even second
I cannot help but feel very guilty that I have supposedly fallen pregnant for the fourth time so easily! It may look like it was easy, however I am very obsessed with pregnancy and fertility so I do everything I can and use what ever resources to get pregnant.
I did fall pregnant Feb this year but it didn't stick hence why I realized I had issues and started taking vitex and temping to see what the problem was!
So when I actually do fall pregnant it seems as thought it just happened. I can assure you it didn't just happen. I have a wonderful dear friend who still is unable to have children and has been trying every since I was pregnant with my first. My heart breaks for her all the time and I feel very tearful that I am unable to do anything for her. AArrgghhhhhh. I also have other friends who are struggling too. I just hope that I can help with all the resource and knowledge that has helped me.
I did fall pregnant Feb this year but it didn't stick hence why I realized I had issues and started taking vitex and temping to see what the problem was!
So when I actually do fall pregnant it seems as thought it just happened. I can assure you it didn't just happen. I have a wonderful dear friend who still is unable to have children and has been trying every since I was pregnant with my first. My heart breaks for her all the time and I feel very tearful that I am unable to do anything for her. AArrgghhhhhh. I also have other friends who are struggling too. I just hope that I can help with all the resource and knowledge that has helped me.
Friday, 13 July 2012
Why I am struggling ALREADY
"Pregnancy Hormones Make Me Crazy or Why I Shouldn’t be Allowed in Public
by MARIA on AUGUST 3, 2011
So, I’m trying something new by writing some personal stuff. We’ll see how it goes. If no one reads/comments, or if comments are mean, I might change my mind! I figured Wednesday would be a good day for it; What’s on my Mind Wednesday or what have you.
Now, I am normally totally non-confrontational and take a “kill ‘em with kindness” approach. However, that pregnancy “glow” you see is actually rage simmering under the surface of my skin. I just don’t do pregnancy well and I’m surprised my husband puts up with me, LOL.
When I’m driving, I stay in the right lane with my cruise control on for the most part. I stay out of people’s way and just shake my head when the person who nearly ran me down ends up beside me at a stoplight 10 minutes later. I’m always telling my husband not to get worked up about traffic or idiot drivers because all it will do is raise his blood pressure and send him to an early grave!"
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
Two Pink Lines
My sister says it is going to be a girl. I also dreamt of 2 pink lines. When I was pregnant with jesiica I badly craved for Blue cheese and crackers and now I feel the same, Marmite too!!!
Tori Spelling Is Pregnant Again
I too feel like this but I will not let it put me off telling people.
"Tori Spelling recently announced on her blog that she's pregnant with her fourth child, just five months after the birth of her third child, writing: "We feel truly blessed that another angel has found us."
Many have raised an eyebrow that Spelling and husband Dean McDermott -- already parents of Liam, 5; Stella, 3 1/2; and Hattie, 5 months -- are adding to their brood so soon.
Here's what I have to say to them: Can it. When I became pregnant with my fourth child, I was reluctant to announce my pregnancy to family and friends, because I didn't want to hear what anyone thought about the appropriateness of my pregnancy. It's not always easy being part of a larger-than-average family in a society that expects no more than two kids per household.
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"Tori Spelling recently announced on her blog that she's pregnant with her fourth child, just five months after the birth of her third child, writing: "We feel truly blessed that another angel has found us."
Many have raised an eyebrow that Spelling and husband Dean McDermott -- already parents of Liam, 5; Stella, 3 1/2; and Hattie, 5 months -- are adding to their brood so soon.
Here's what I have to say to them: Can it. When I became pregnant with my fourth child, I was reluctant to announce my pregnancy to family and friends, because I didn't want to hear what anyone thought about the appropriateness of my pregnancy. It's not always easy being part of a larger-than-average family in a society that expects no more than two kids per household.
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Discussing the book with my husband
I really want this book to be honest and frank, it wouldn't be worth while otherwise. The whole purpose is to give information and knowledge to people in my similar situation. I have found nothing for myself to read about having a fourth child and being pregnant with three very small children round your ankles.
So I had to ask my husband weather he minded me putting very personal and private things into this book. Thankfully he agreed.
So I had to ask my husband weather he minded me putting very personal and private things into this book. Thankfully he agreed.
Early Pregnancy Signs
I knew I was pregnant very early in fact after ovulation because of the following and that I am extremely in tune with my body!!
My nails grow really really strong over night.
I have lost 1.5 stone in the last three months so I have a very flat stomach, however my womb just popped out at about DPO7, it was very strange. My womb shape was/is like a pear drop.
I all of a sudden loved the smell of Tesco bees wax polish, so yummy. I even polished the house just so I could smell it. (i never polish).
I wasn't sleeping very well at night, waking up in the middle of the night really hungry, so i would sneak down stairs and have a biccie.
Going to the toilet in the middle of the night too.
I would also wake very early, about 4.30pm ish and not go back to sleep.
I would get lots of Cramps around the time implantation would happen, in fact it happened twice, wonder if it's twins?
My boobs didn't really get sore until my period was due!
My nails grow really really strong over night.
I have lost 1.5 stone in the last three months so I have a very flat stomach, however my womb just popped out at about DPO7, it was very strange. My womb shape was/is like a pear drop.
I all of a sudden loved the smell of Tesco bees wax polish, so yummy. I even polished the house just so I could smell it. (i never polish).
I wasn't sleeping very well at night, waking up in the middle of the night really hungry, so i would sneak down stairs and have a biccie.
Going to the toilet in the middle of the night too.
I would also wake very early, about 4.30pm ish and not go back to sleep.
I would get lots of Cramps around the time implantation would happen, in fact it happened twice, wonder if it's twins?
My boobs didn't really get sore until my period was due!
Monday, 9 July 2012
Time to start writing this book and I feel it is going to be a very hard nien months with three children under 4 and part time work.
Thought this was going to happen in Feb but it didn't hold and for good reason, as I was so poorly with chicken pox. However we have it now, so I am not complaining.
It is amazing how obsessed you can get about having a baby whether it is your 1st or 4th!!!
Saturday, 7 July 2012
Is there or isn't there?
Looking good, but I am still very nervous.
Thursday, 5 July 2012
Food Aversions
Now, I just love Sainsbury's Doughnut's, they are the best. However had one yesterday with a steaming hot cup of tea. I spat it out, it tastes horrible.
I don't want to get my hopes up, and feel like I am imagining all of these early pregnancy symptoms. Let's cross my fingers and toes.
I don't want to get my hopes up, and feel like I am imagining all of these early pregnancy symptoms. Let's cross my fingers and toes.
Vivid Dreams at early pregnancy!!
at 8DPO I dreamt about 2 very strong pink lines!!!
I am also constantly having vivid dreams which I do not usually have. I also dreamt a week ago that my best friend Sarah saw me in September 2012 at my children's baptisms in the future and said she was three month pregnant. I so wish this was true.
I am also constantly having vivid dreams which I do not usually have. I also dreamt a week ago that my best friend Sarah saw me in September 2012 at my children's baptisms in the future and said she was three month pregnant. I so wish this was true.
Sunday, 1 July 2012
Ovulation June/July 2012
1DPO - Tighting in my womb felt really strange, cramping all day!
2DPO - Ovulation pain all day, pressure down below
3DPO - Ovulation pain all day, had to take pain killers, not sleeping very week. Awake really early. getting up in the night to pee and hungry, getting tingling in boobs but nothing major
4DPO - Ovulation pain all day, had to take pain killers, not sleeping very week. Awake really early. getting up in the night to pee and hungry, very tired
5DPO - Brown Pigmentation on face. but nothing else, nails strong
6DPO -
7DPO - I think the egg has implanted because i was in a lot of pain and cramps. got a bit dazy.
8DPO - Strong smell, petrol and bleech. So so tired Not sure my coffee taste right or the smell of my perfume.
9DPO -
10DPO -
This 2 week wait is driving me crazy!!!!!
Oh my goodness, talk about obsession, I cannot stop thinking about it. Arrgghhh
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